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Successful Networking by Phone A Matter of Style.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Networking by Phone A Matter of Style."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Networking by Phone A Matter of Style

2 Agenda Job networking/why we need to get good at it. Challenges in determining social style by phone How to identify style by phone –assertiveness and responsiveness tables –telephone script exercise –Style flexing handout sample

3 Networking by Telephone Get information Educate yourself about employment opportunities Increase your list of professional contacts Inform contacts of your potential availability

4 Reasons to Improve Networking essential to job search –Way 63-85% of job hunters find their jobs Networking is essential to career development –Surveys show that trend is for professionals to stay in jobs only for 3-5 years (Execunet survey-3.6 years) –24 million Americans switch jobs each year (McKinsey) Person-to-person networking is increasingly done by phone –60-80% of job networking done by phone Must leave a good impression with every call Must make the other person comfortable enough to refer

5 Challenges More than half of the cues are closed to us when we communicate on the telephone –In face-to-face communications 55% facial, gestures 38% tone of voice 7% content Once on phone –14% content –86% tone and emphasis

6 Tips for identifying style on the phone Be very attentive Concentrate on assertiveness and responsiveness Listen for voice cues—volume, intensity, modulation Use each interaction to gain more clues Try to get at least two clues before flexing

7 Assertiveness Table VoiceAnalyticalAmiableDriverExpressive Volume Quieter voice Soft voice May speak more rapidly Tends to speak louder Intensity Slower, more hesitant choosing words Less intensity, speaks less rapidly May sound forceful with out speaking loudly Energetic, speaks rapidly with fewer hesitations Ideas Expresses ideas tentatively and qualifies May not talk much; proposals more tentative “tell-oriented”; Expresses more strongly, direct “tell-oriented” Expresses more strongly, initiates Decisions Decides more slowly; exerts less pressure Invites others to express opinions compromiser Risk oriented, decides quickly, pressure More risk oriented, decide quickly pressure

8 Responsiveness Table AnalyticalAmiableDriverExpressive Voice modulation Little variation; tends toward monotone Moderate range of inflection Little expression in voice Greatest range of inflection, tone; flowing, dramatic Task orientation More task oriented More people oriented Task-focused energy; results oriented People oriented; gregarious, disclosing, feeling Facts orientation More fact oriented Feeling oriented, responds to others’ feelings Fact oriented Strong opinions, often based on intuition Attitude toward time Disciplined about time More flexible about time Disciplined about time Least disciplined about time Demeanor More serious; detached from feelings Prefers one-to- one interaction Appears more serious Playful and fun- loving; fluctuating moods Content Not apt to tell stories Not apt to tell stories; interactions brief More apt to tell stories, may wander from topic

9 Sample Telephone Scripts Script A –Karen and Yvonne –Karen has received an e-mail with my resume and cover letter, has agreed to talk at a specified time; and has sent me her resume Script B -John and Yvonne -John has receive an e-mail with my resume and cover letter and has agreed to talk at a specified time

10 Style Flexing—Expressive to Driver Demonstrate task orientation by keeping informal comments brief Refer quickly to purpose of the meeting Presentations concise and logical and supported by written summary Talk less and listen more Paraphrase and respond concisely and logically This is default style if can’t guess style

11 Style Flex--Expressive to Amiables Accent people orientation; ask about personal interests, friends, etc. One-to-one interaction is better Restrain high energy Verbal fluency and louder voice may intimidate Listen more Speak less rapidly, moderate tone Restrain tendency to be center stage Decrease assertiveness

12 Style Flex—Expressive to Analytical Restrain high energy Modulate voice Restrain impulsiveness Check facts before making decisions Listen more Restrain tendency to be center stage Decrease assertiveness Paraphrase and respond concisely and logically

13 Summary Defined “success” in job networking Why we need to get good at it—career management Challenges—it’s like being blind How to determine styles and flex on the phone--tools –Telephone tables –Scripts –Phone flexing tips--sample using expressives

14 END

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