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1 Temperature measures the average kinetic energy of the molecules. Heat measures the average kinetic energy And incorporates mass.

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2 1 Temperature measures the average kinetic energy of the molecules. Heat measures the average kinetic energy And incorporates mass.

3 2

4 3 Heat versus temperature Temperature  A measure of hotness or coldness of an object  Based on average molecular kinetic energy Heat  Based on total internal energy of molecules  Doubling amount at same temperature doubles heat

5 4 How do we measure temperature?  Think about using a thermometer…..  How does the thermometer know how hot the substance is?  The molecules of the substance bump into the thermometer and transfer energy. How often and how hard they bump into the thermometer are directly related to their speed. Temperature turns out to be related to the average speed of the molecules in a substance  Temperature is not a measure of the total amount of energy in an object.

6 5 SI joule USCS Units of Energy calorie 4.184 J = 1 cal

7 6 Units of Energy (heat energy) 1000 calories = 1 kilocalorie 1000 calories = 1 Calorie

8 Thermal Energy Temperature & Heat Temperature is related to the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance.

9 SI unit for temp. is the Kelvin a. K = C + 273 (10C = 283K) b. C = K – 273 (10K = -263C) Thermal Energy – the total of all the kinetic and potential energy of all the particles in a substance.

10 Thermal energy relationships As temperature increases, so does thermal energy (because the kinetic energy of the particles increased). Even if the temperature doesn’t change, the thermal energy in a more massive substance is higher (because it is a total measure of energy).

11 Heat The flow of thermal energy from one object to another. Heat always flows from warmer to cooler objects. Ice gets warmer while hand gets cooler Cup gets cooler while hand gets warmer

12 Why does water have such a high specific heat? Water molecules form strong bonds with each other; therefore it takes more heat energy to break them. Metals have weak bonds and do not need as much energy to break them. water metal

13 Specific Heat a. Some things heat up or cool down faster than others. Land heats up and cools down faster than water

14 b. Specific heat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a material by one degree (C or K). 1) C water = 4.184 J / g C 2) C sand = 0.664 J /g C This is why land heats up quickly during the day and cools quickly at night and why water takes longer.

15 How to calculate changes in thermal energy Q = m x  T x Cp Q = change in thermal energy – must be in joules – can be positive (+) or negative (-) m = mass of substance – must be in grams (g)  T = change in temperature (Tf – Ti) - (Kelvin) or (Celsius) Cp = specific heat of substance (J/g ˚C) or (J/g K)

16 15 HEAT FLOW PROBLEMS A 4.0 g sample of glass was heated from 274 to 314 K. And was found to have absorbed 32 J of energy as heat. What is the specific heat of glass?

17 lecturePLUS Timberlake 16 Density Density compares the mass of an object to its volume D = mass = g or g volume mL cm 3 Note: 1 mL = 1 cm 3

18 Gold is very dense - it feels very heavy for its size. D = 19.3g/cm 3

19 Each substance has its own density. A larger amount will still have the same density because it will be an equivalent fraction. MetalDensity Gold19.3 Silver10.5 Platinum21.4 Palladium12.0 Copper9.0 9ct10.9 to 12.7 14ct12.9 to 14.6 18ct Yellow15.2 to 15.9 18ct White14.7 to 16.9 22ct17.7 to 17.8 Sterling Silver10.2 to 10.3 950 Platinum20.1

20  If you pack more mass into the same volume, it is more dense.  Draw a picture on your handout that represents this principle.

21  If you pack the SAME mass into a SMALLER volume, it is MORE dense  Draw a picture on your handout that represents this principle.

22  Just because something has more mass DOES NOT mean it is more DENSE.

23 You can make something have less dense by increasing the volume until it is more than the mass.

24 RULE  Anything with a density less than one will float in water. If there are numbers to the left of the decimal it will sink!

25 So why do ships float ? The density of steel is 7.8 g/cm 3 The density of waters 1 g/cm 3 Think of a steel ship as a can that is empty and watertight. The majority of its space is taken up by nothing more than air which has a specific gravity of about 0.00129. So if a make a ship that is like a can, empty inside and watertight it floats. Its volume sufficient that it causes its specific gravity to remain below 1.0 even after adding the weight of its contents. The steel ship will remain afloat as long as its density remains below that of water. The problem is that if water is allowed to enter the ship it would sink. Ships made of steel have to be sealed so water can not get in and increase its density. Steel can float only because of the way it is shaped, the space it takes up, and the seal that keeps its watertight. The ability of steel to float is the ability of people to shape metal and solve problems by examining outcomes.

26 lecturePLUS Timberlake 25 Learning Check D1 Osmium is a very dense metal. What is its density in g/cm 3 if 50.00 g of the metal occupies a volume of 2.22cm 3 ?

27 lecturePLUS Timberlake 26 Volume Displacement A solid displaces a matching volume of water when the solid is placed in water. 33 mL 25 mL

28 lecturePLUS Timberlake 27 Learning Check What is the density (g/cm 3 ) of 48 g of a metal if the metal raises the level of water in a graduated cylinder from 25 mL to 33 mL? 1) 0.2 g/ cm 3 2) 6 g/m 3 3) 252 g/cm 3 33 mL 25 mL

29 lecturePLUS Timberlake 28 Solution 2) 6 g/cm 3 Volume (mL) of water displaced = 33 mL - 25 mL= 8 mL Volume of metal (cm 3 ) = 8 mL x 1 cm 3 = 8 cm 3 1 mL Density of metal = mass = 48 g = 6 g/cm 3 volume 8 cm 3

30 lecturePLUS Timberlake 29 Density as Conversion Factors A substance has a density of 3.8 g/mL. Density = 3.8 g/mL Equality 3.8 g = 1 mL Conversion factors. 3.8 g and 1 mL 1 mL 3.8 g

31 lecturePLUS Timberlake 30 THINGS TO REMEMBER The density of water is 1.00 g/ml at 0˚ C Has an object heats up it becomes less dense.

32 31 GRAPHS 1.When two quantities are directly proportional to each other, if dividing by the other gives a constant value. Example K = Y / X 2.Students will graph speed vs distance. The time is constant.

33 32 10 mi/hr 20 mi/hr 30 mi/hr 40 mi/hr 50mi/hr 60 mi/hr 70 mi/hr Speed Distance Calculate the distance if the time remains constant at ( 2 hours) Speed = Distance / Time

34 33 Graph speed verses time. The distance will remain constant at 200 miles. speed = distance / time 10 mi/hr 20 mi/ hr 30 mi/hr 40 mi/hr 50 mi/hr 60/ mi/hr 70 mi/hr speed time

35 34 Mass and volume are related directly.

36 35 Volume and pressure are related indirectly. Graph of an indirect relationship

37 36 Exponential Relationships One variable goes up slowly and the other very quickly.

38 37 Which swimmer is faster (red, green or blue)? What happened to the green swimmer between 10 and 20 seconds?

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