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Sub-option C make the best sense providing “shore based” includes entering the water or (diving as an option) In the North Coast MLPA Vizcaino SMCA proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "Sub-option C make the best sense providing “shore based” includes entering the water or (diving as an option) In the North Coast MLPA Vizcaino SMCA proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sub-option C make the best sense providing “shore based” includes entering the water or (diving as an option) In the North Coast MLPA Vizcaino SMCA proposal By Rick Copeland Wilderness Unlimited

2 . Of the 200+ miles of the North Coast MLPA, the proposed Vizcaino SMCA Is the largest SMCA in the region Represents over 2% of the total length of coastline Over 10% of the total area comprised within the SMR Virtually 100% of one owner's shoreline

3 The DeVilbiss/Soper Ranch has been in private controlled hands for over a century. How did this proposal come to pass? The built in bias of the stakeholder process made it easy to "shut down" what was already protected and virtually inaccessible.

4 One model Ranch closed for 5+miles?

5 The DeVilbiss Ranch has been managed by Soper Co. and Wilderness Unlimited for years with access and abalone take restrictions more stringent than DF&G's. The two entities share exemplary conservation and stewardship records, providing historical and traditional recreational use. This protection to date has preserved ample abalone and fish stocks as well as all sea life.

6 The coastline of this area is steep, inaccessible and inhospitable most of the time. The natural erosion leads to high levels of turbidity, often for days at a time. Check out the coastline of this area >>

7 Devilbiss Ranch North End


















25 DeVilbiss Ranch South End

26 Only one road for access that still leaves one perched 120' above the shoreline. There is virtually no beach at high tide. Only on a calm day can one access the water.

27 Reasons for shore based Vizcaino recreation support Total closure would be a dis- incentive to private Co- Managed reserve programs. Allowing shore access for abalone, rockfish etc. will keep the co-managed Soper- Wilderness Unlimited Reserve intact. Wilderness Unlimited is already acting as the stewards of this stretch of coastline and has made agreement with Soper to do so for years to come. Thus the resource will continue to be protected with a high degree of LOP. Reasons for shore based Vizcaino recreation support Total closure would be a dis- incentive to private Co- Managed reserve programs. Allowing shore access for abalone, rockfish etc. will keep the co-managed Soper- Wilderness Unlimited Reserve intact. Wilderness Unlimited is already acting as the stewards of this stretch of coastline and has made agreement with Soper to do so for years to come. Thus the resource will continue to be protected with a high degree of LOP. Reasons for shore based ocean access for Vizcaino recreation support Total closure would be a dis-incentive to private Co-Managed reserve programs. Allowing shore access for abalone, rockfish etc. (including entering the ocean) will keep the co-managed Soper-Wilderness Unlimited Reserve intact. Wilderness Unlimited is already acting as the stewards of this stretch of coastline and has made agreement with Soper to do so for years to come. Thus the resources will continue to be protected with a high degree of LOP.

28 Support Sub-option C with clarification Add to Sub-option C “shore-based recreational uses (including entering the water from the shore)” to recreational take regulations for all recreational users.

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