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Inspiring Today's Young Space Professionals Kamara Brown President, NASA Academy Alumni Association (NAAA)

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Presentation on theme: "Inspiring Today's Young Space Professionals Kamara Brown President, NASA Academy Alumni Association (NAAA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inspiring Today's Young Space Professionals Kamara Brown President, NASA Academy Alumni Association (NAAA)

2 Goal To share concepts on how to motivate and retain young space enthusiasts from a student perspective.

3 Ideas to Inspire Go Where They Mingle Be Proactive Alternative PR Other Methods

4 Go Where They Mingle Get to know organizations/events like: NAAASpace Generations Foundation NSBE-SpaceYuri’s Night ISU AlumniSEDS X-Prize CupISDC Leading organizations/events with many current and future young space professionals ◦ Manage Annual Events ◦ Host Major National & Regional Conferences ◦ Conduct Teambuilding R&D Technology Projects Establish a presence

5 Be Proactive Move Like Your Hair’s On Fire Host Network Events among SG-sponsored fellow and Intern alumni often  Invite dynamic space leaders to talk with future ones  Utilize tele /video conferences to create virtual forums Offer real scholarships (4-year) & competitive internships similar to commercial industry Bring back full-time opportunities for space leaders in exchange for years of service ◦ Rotational Training Programs for New Hires

6 Alternative Cost-Effective PR Blogs Podcasts YouTube MySpace Professional Student Organizations Magazine / Websites ◦ NAAA, SEDS, X- Prize,… Listservs Web banners Get media involved in your events ◦ Local ◦ NPR Build partnerships with cable networks and space products ◦ Discovery Channel ◦ SciFi Channel ◦ Disney - the little explorers ◦ XM Radio

7 Other Methods Get former fellowship & internship participants involved ◦ Reveal the politics & policies of your group ◦ Let them really see how your agency function Take a lesson from Hollywood Find out what young space professionals are passionate about Space tourismSpace public policy Renewable energy Green initiatives for Space Science

8 Final Highlights Establish real collaborations Advertise by utilize Today’s ‘IT’ Technologies Follow-up with past fellowship participants Share democratic practices & grant young space leaders more secure participation of PoliticalBusiness Research Foster environments to inspire highly creative space professionals

9 Resources NAAA NSBE Space Yuri’s Night X-Prize Cup ISDC Space Leadership Conference SEDS SpaceAlumni Space Generations Foundation

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