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Tasks: Brainstorm all you know about your fairy tale. Who are the characters? Where is it set? Where is the central conflict?

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Presentation on theme: "Tasks: Brainstorm all you know about your fairy tale. Who are the characters? Where is it set? Where is the central conflict?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tasks: Brainstorm all you know about your fairy tale. Who are the characters? Where is it set? Where is the central conflict?


3 Tasks: What are all of the possible lessons or values this tale could possibly be teaching children about our culture? Have a group discussion and decide on a definitive theme statement

4 Lessons Be true to yourself (don’t be ashamed if you are poor) Friends can see you through the hard times. You can find love in unexpected places Values You will only find happiness in marriage Women are helpless and need to be saved by men Men should be strong, protective and do all of the work. Women should be thin and pretty Definitive Statement: Although Cinderella seems like an innocent love story, it reinforces gendered stereotypes.

5 Tasks: Post a link to a literary version of your Fairy Tale http://www.gutenberg. org/files/1599/1599- h/1599- h.htm#link2H_4_0001 CINDERELLA; OR THE LITTLE GLASS SLIPPER.

6 Tasks: Post a link to film clip version of your fairy tale Ever After yx6DXI yx6DXI Ever After

7 Tasks: Post a link to film clip version of your fairy tale m/watch/cinderella- 1950-trailer- 4beae8f4c7bbbdc60c9 4e3f9 Cinderella, Disney 1950

8 Tasks: Write a post outlining some of the similarities and differences between the literary text and the audio visual text. Cinderella is portrayed as a weak, poor servant in the literary version. Ever After sees Cinderella as assertive and proud, whereas the Disney version portrays Cinderella as a meek, precious and pretty young thing.

9 Tasks: How do these changes reflect our society? The Victorian period was hierarchical, where the affluent had power and the poor did not. During the mid-late 1990’s (think the grunge era!), women started to exercise agency (glass ceiling, etc) During the 1950’s, women were seen and not heard. An accessory for working husbands.


11 Today

12 Find examples of advertisements that borrow from fairy tales. Find at least three and post them, with commentary, to your Twitter page.

13 Real-Life Connection

14 What product would be easily crossed marketed with your movie? Write a quick commercial pitch: What is your product? What would you call it? How might you sell it? What kind of commercial would you use?

15 Cindy’s Crystal Clear Cleaning Services We’ll sweep you off your feet!


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