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1 How Many Tools, Applications and Software Do We Need for Teaching and Learning? Nguyen Ngoc Danh Tra Vinh University Teaching and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 How Many Tools, Applications and Software Do We Need for Teaching and Learning? Nguyen Ngoc Danh Tra Vinh University Teaching and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 How Many Tools, Applications and Software Do We Need for Teaching and Learning? Nguyen Ngoc Danh Tra Vinh University Teaching and Learning Center Teaching and Learning Center

2 2 How Many Tools, Apps and Software do we need for teaching and learning? 1.Introduction, 2.Objective, 3.Keys aspects: ☞ Sharing PPT with no constraints at SlideShare ☞ Using PPT with an interactive tool – VoiceThread, ☞ Designing and using PPT with Google docs, ☞ Integrating PPT into LMS – Moodle, 4.Demo, 5.Conclusion.

3 Teaching and Learning Center 3 Introduction  Web 2.0:  Social networking,  Sharing interests,  Teaching and learning community  Various educational technologies/ICT:  Free and commercial,  Open source,

4 Teaching and Learning Center 4 Introduction Cont. “Technology has given students a whole new vehicle for learning” (Fedisson & Braidic, 2007)

5 Teaching and Learning Center 5 Introduction Cont.  Concerns: ☒ Can applying numerous tools or applications for education enhance student learning? ☒ Do instructors need various tools to increase active learning?  The answer is =

6 Teaching and Learning Center 6 Objective Will demonstrate that with only one basic application – PowerPoint, teaching and learning activities can be established successfully.

7 Teaching and Learning Center 7 Sharing PPT with no constraints at SlideShare  SlideShare is:  Internet sharing platform,  Sharing PPT with large audience,  Rich communicative environment,  World’s top tools for education and learning.

8 Teaching and Learning Center 8 Sharing PPT with no constraints at SlideShare  How can it impact on teaching + learning?  Promote asynchronous communication,  Be free from the bounds of textbooks,  Master knowledge and take ownership of learning,  Provide learners with appropriately detailed and immediate feedback,

9 Teaching and Learning Center 9 Sharing PPT with no constraints at SlideShare

10 Teaching and Learning Center 10 Using PPT with an interactive tool - VoiceThread  VoiceThread:  Web-based sharing application,  Collaborative and multimedia slideshow,  Digital conversations

11 Teaching and Learning Center 11 Using PPT with an interactive tool – VoiceThread  Why VoiceThread ???  Increases the effectiveness of using PPT,  Uses several interactive features to enhance students’ critical thinking,  Promotes teacher-learner interactions,  Encourages learner-learner/ group interactions

12 Teaching and Learning Center 12 Designing and using PPT with Google docs

13 Teaching and Learning Center 13 Designing and using PPT with Google docs  Why Google Presentation???  Provides teachers with alternative choices,  Promotes active and self-regulated knowledge deliverers and achievers,  Enhances synchronous communication,  Creates an educational interaction environment,

14 Teaching and Learning Center 14 Designing and using PPT with Google docs

15 Teaching and Learning Center 15 Integrating PPT into LMS – Moodle  How and Why?  Can be hosted and embedded on a LMS,  Aids teachers in producing an ATL,  Helps learners manage their learning,  Creates interactive and collaborative environments: ✏ Synchronous interactions, ✏ Asynchronous interactions,

16 Teaching and Learning Center 16 Integrating PPT into LMS – Moodle

17 Teaching and Learning Center 17 Demo How Many Tools, Apps and Software do we need for teaching and learning?

18 Teaching and Learning Center 18 Conclusion Good teaching practice should use alternative technologies to promote active teaching and learning and increase the value of time that the students spend on tasks helping them recognize their learning more efficient (Boyas, 2008).

19 Teaching and Learning Center 19 Reference Boyas, E. (2008). Using PowerPoint to Encourage Active Learning: A Tool to Enhance Student Learning in the First Accounting Course. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 4(2). Burke, L., James, K., & Ahmadi, M. (2009). Effectiveness of PowerPoint-Based Lectures Across Different Business Disciplines: An Investigation and Implications. Journal of Education for Business, 84(4). Fedisson, M., & Braidic, S. (2007). PowerPoint Presentations Increase Achievement and Student Attitudes Towards Technology. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 3(4). Hefzallah, Ibrahim M. (2004). The New Educational Technologies and Learning - Empowering Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn in the Information Age. Springfield, Illinois: Charles Thomas - Publisher, LTD. Kuzmich, J. J. (2010). Dynamic Multimedia Instruction. School Band and Orchestra, 13(7). Miner, Rowland Clinton (2003) A framework for learner-instructor interaction in the online, distance education environment. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Oklahoma, United States -- Oklahoma. Retrieved September 2, 2008, from Dissertations & Theses: Full Text database. (Publication No. AAT 3082928). Mokaram, A., Al-Shabatat, A., Fong, F., & Abdallah, A. (2011). Enhancing Creative Thinking through Designing Electronic Slides. International Education Studies, 4(1). Nguyen, N.D. (2009, April 14). Teacher-learner interactions in online learning at the Center for Online and Distance Training, Travinh Univerisity, Vietnam. PowerPoint presented at the 14th Annual Technology, Colleges, and Community Worldwide Online Conference. Rabinowitz, E., Kernodle, M., & McKethan, R. (2010). The Effective Use of PowerPoint to Facilitate Active Learning. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 81(5). Roqueta, M. (2008). Learning Management Systems: A Focus on the Learner. Distance Learning, 5(4), 59. Wet, C. F. d. (2006). Beyond Presentations: Using PowerPoint as an Effective Instructional Tool. Gifted Child Today, 29(4).

20 Teaching and Learning Center 20 Thank you for your attention Any questions and comments? Nguyen Ngoc Danh Teaching and Learning Center Tra Vinh University How Many Tools, Apps and Software do we need for teaching and learning?

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