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Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 How to support students to complete a strong personal statement Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer Kingston.

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Presentation on theme: "Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 How to support students to complete a strong personal statement Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer Kingston."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 How to support students to complete a strong personal statement Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer Kingston University

2 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 What do you want to find out/ What questions do you have?

3 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Around 500,000 statements are written per year That’s about 425 million words Or about 1.9 billion characters

4 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Personal Statement Howlers! "What is physics? I don’t know; that’s why I want to take it at university." “Ever since I watched 'Shaun the Sheep' on CBBC, i have been passionate about becoming a farmer.” "I am hoping to pass my driving test so I can drive to -insert uni name here- everyday!" "I am well-respected by my classmates. At school, I hold the position of head bog and it is a post I am performing well." "'Eighty per cent of success is showing up.' I feel this attitude correctly demonstrates my passion for Literature where, indeed, you only have to 'turn up' and read the books and to fully understand the topic.

5 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 The Personal Statement  UCAS: Course tutors read personal statements to compare different applicants – so this is where you should describe your ambitions, skills and experience that will make you suitable for the course  Durham: It is primarily an academic statement and you must target it very directly towards the subject in which you are interested, though a University will also want to know something about your more general interests.  Birmingham: The admissions tutor needs to be persuaded that you have a genuine interest in your chosen subject and that you have the motivation to succeed.  Goldsmiths: It's your opportunity to stand out from the other thousands of applicants that we receive applications from.  Me!

6 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Books

7 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Personal Statement in context  UCAS Application:  Completed Qualifications  Pending Qualifications  Employment History (paid and voluntary)  Reference  Personal Statement  May also be…  Interviews/auditions e.g. dance  Portfolio e.g. fashion  Admissions tests e.g. nursing

8 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15  Personal statement may become more important in certain situations:  Applying to more competitive universities Oxbridge- 5.4 applicants per place* Russell Group- 7 applicants per place  Applying to more competitive courses (stats 2013/14 cycle) Medicine- 11 applicants per place Dentistry- 9.7 applicants per place Nursing/Veterinary Medicine- 9.2 applicants per place Which University website, “Course Search”, % applicants receiving offers Personal Statement in context 7.7 applicants per place 7.3 applicants per place 5.4 applicants per place Astronomy- Teacher training- Law-

9 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15  Personal statement may become more important in certain situations:  More complicated background to explain e.g. break in education  Poorer than expected grades  Taking a dramatic change in subject area  Courses where written skills are extremely important Personal Statement in context

10 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Who is reading it?

11 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Research on Personal Statements Dr Stephen Jones Researcher in Education and Linguistics University of Manchester  “Is the personal statement a fair way to assess university applicants?” (2012)  “Ensure that you stand out from the crowd: a corpus-based analysis of personal statements according to applicants school type” (2013)

12 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Research Findings 1. Writing quality

13 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Research Findings 2. Work related activity

14 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Research Findings 2. Work related activity  Mentoring and work shadowing vs. part time work (often service industry)  Easier to make relevant connections and points with the ‘higher prestige’ experiences  Not necessarily a barrier in itself, often experiences such as part time work not ‘sold’ in the best light  Importance of having a high-quality work experience programme for college students as one way to improve university applications and HE progression.

15 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Research Findings 3. Extra Curricular activity  Those from more privileged backgrounds had wider travel experiences and more ‘cultured’ extracurricular activity  Those from less privileged backgrounds were more likely to include examples that were not relevant in an educational statement  Importance of the personal statement as an academic statement e.g. “to read”  Importance of clear goals and ambitions

16 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Research Findings 4. Closing the statement  Examples from comprehensive school and SFC applicants:  I am confident that my hunger and drive will help me fulfil my ambition  I look forward to you reading my application  I can guarantee I’ll be an excellent sociology student  I want to succeed in business and I mean business …..appeals to “where my heart belongs” rather than demonstrating the necessary experiences, interest and skills.

17 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 10 Suggestions to improve the quality of personal statements

18 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Suggestions 1. Be unique

19 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 What is the top personal statement opening line?  For as long as I can remember I have been interested in…  For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with…  Academically, I have always been very determined and…  Nursing is a profession I have always looked upon with…  I am currently studying a BTEC National Diploma in….  Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only…  From an early age I have always been interested in…  From a young age I have always been interested in…. Suggestions 1. Be unique 8 5 1 10 4 6 2 3

20 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Suggestions 2. Be specific

21 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Suggestions 3. Work experience  Is it an essential/desirable requirement?  Do it early  The quality of the experience matters….  ….as does the way it is described and ‘sold’  BE SPECIFIC!

22 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Suggestions 4. How to get started!

23 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Suggestions 5. Improving writing quality  Give students an example structure to follow  Provide lots of good examples to model excellent writing  Involve tutors and teaching staff  Dedicate enough time  Get them to read it out loud/ to a partner  Important not to ‘swallow the dictionary’!

24 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Suggestions 6. Check spelling, punctuation and grammar……a lot!

25 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Suggestions 7. Remind students it is an academic piece of writing

26 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Suggestions 8. Use the strengths of your learners  More life experience  More project work and working to deadlines  More practical, hands-on experience?  Have clearly demonstrated commitment to their subject  May have made sacrifices to come back into education or to study whilst balancing other commitments  Overcoming adversity  First in family to go onto higher education?  Others….?

27 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Suggestions 9. Talk about relevant skills and give examples

28 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Suggestions 10. Demonstrate commitment to subject/career

29 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 What outreach/widening participation teams offer…

30 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 What outreach/widening participation teams offer…

31 Tim Dhir, Education Liaison Officer| 30/09/15 Questions?

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