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1 Progress for July 16, 2011 We woke up to 9+ inches of new heavy snow.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Progress for July 16, 2011 We woke up to 9+ inches of new heavy snow."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Progress for July 16, 2011 We woke up to 9+ inches of new heavy snow.

2 2 Progress for July 16, 2011 The Chef’s footprints on the road to breakfast. Somebody shoveled out the entrance to the dining room.

3 3 July 16, 2011 Action Shots Hernan Tirado put chains on the SUV and drove around on the unplowed mountain top.

4 4 July 16, 2011 Action Shots The vehicles. See chains. See snow.

5 5 Progress for July 16, 2011 Pumping-down vacuum jackets on the tank and LN2 lines was finished. A 2” blank-off was added someplace on the Tank Both Helium lines were run from the Tank to the Coude Room. The CryoMech compressor is not hooked up and is not needed until we return with the imager. Working on the Tank Helium lines run down to secret staircase.

6 6 Actions shots July 16, 2011 Left: One of the Helium lines stretched out on Console Room Floor Center: Admiring the Helium line. Right: Helium lines in Coude Room

7 7 Progress for July 16, 2011 Hooking up the relay rack is incomplete. All that remains is the RTD connections and to set the proper IP addresses. We futzed around with IPs but failed to get it working. We need help from the CTIO network guys to setup the network connections. Filter Changer Utility computer is functioning but cannot be seen from FNAL/OSU, which is needed for reprogramming of various IP addresses.

8 8 Progress for July 16, 2011 Concern about Pressurized Air System Dryer –Yesterday we viewed the instrument pressurized air system, which supplies the mirror supports, flip-ring clamps, and Mosaic filter-changer. This has an in-line Wilkerson Dryer WRD100A-2. R22 is the refrigerant. – on5/Sec5pg246WilkersonRefrigeratedDryer.pdf is a link to a description of this model. It notes that the dryer cools the air to dewpoint 35F and can handle under normal conditions, 100 SCFM. on5/Sec5pg246WilkersonRefrigeratedDryer.pdf –The concern is that if this is the system that supplies air to the barrel, because the C5 is -5C (23F), colder than 35F, we’ll accumulate ice on its face.

9 9 Next Steps & Plan We plan to stay on Tololo though tonight (Saturday). If road conditions permit, we’ll return to La Serena for Sunday night and then come back up Monday. Pressure test 1 st thing Monday after review of JHA and other docs. Need to unplug/disconnect the RR before the final support post is installed under the Tank. Cool down still looking good for Wed. or maybe even Tues. H.C. has some engineering analysis to document. That will be done and in note form by Monday.

10 10 Images from July 16, 2011 RASICAM, The Car, The Blanco SOAR (L) and Gemini S (R) on Cerro Pachon

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