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Do Now You have 5 minutes to answer the following question(s). When you are done take out your binder and turn to the notes section. Which of your five.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now You have 5 minutes to answer the following question(s). When you are done take out your binder and turn to the notes section. Which of your five."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now You have 5 minutes to answer the following question(s). When you are done take out your binder and turn to the notes section. Which of your five senses would you least like to live without? Why? Does your sense of smell enhance the experience of eating? Explain your answer.

2 Review Do Now

3 Note Taking


5 Making Observations

6 Objective I will be able to make accurate observations about ordinary items and plan an investigation.

7 Why are observation skills important? Without observation, there is no science because there is nothing to explain.

8 What do we use to make observations? Five senses – Hearing – Sight – Touch – Taste – Smell

9 Can observations be wrong? Yes


11 How can we prevent incorrect observations? Observations must be repeatable. Scientist will repeat an observation many times, or in different laboratories, to ensure that their results are valid. Science is only "good science" when anyone can repeat the observation or experiment and get the same results.

12 Observation Lab We will make some observations based on our 5 senses. Review lab rules. Record your observations in your science journal.

13 Directions Take out your science journal. Label one page – Part One: Making Observations – Part Two: Peer Review – Part Three: Detailed Description

14 Part One: Make observations based on senses. Use complete sentences. Sense of Touch: Describe what you feel. Sense of Hearing: Listen as you unwrap the object. Describe what you hear. Sense of Smell: Describe what you smell. Sense of Sight: Describe what you see. Sense of Taste: Place the object in your mouth. Describe what you taste.

15 Part Two: Peer Review Share your observations with your table team. The listeners should think about and answer the following questions: – Are the observations factual? Why or why not? – Are the observations repeatable? Why or why not? Write a short summary of your peer’s review.

16 Part Three: Detailed Description Write a detailed paragraph (at least 5 sentences) describing the object to a young child. Do not mention the name of what you are describing.

17 Objective I will be able to make accurate observations about ordinary items and plan an investigation.

18 Exit Ticket How many times does the team in white pass the ball? Qk Qk

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