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Background B Case Studies & C. Public Improvement Plan Presented by: Erin Newton.

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Presentation on theme: "Background B Case Studies & C. Public Improvement Plan Presented by: Erin Newton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background B Case Studies & C. Public Improvement Plan Presented by: Erin Newton

2 Purpose The purpose of this feasibility study is to examine alternative concepts and sites for a facility that provides access to various types of bus and rail service, as well as taxi, bicycle and waterborne transportation.

3 Project Tasks Community and Project Coordination  TRANSPORTATION AND MOBILITY  ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY AND INVESTMENT  SITE CHARACTERISTICS Case Studies Define Facility Program Operating Model Location/Site Analysis Project and Site Development

4 Figure 1: City of Houston

5 Zone A (North Downtown) HARDY YARDS WHITE OAK Wilson Post Office Bus Barn I-10/US 59 East Bayou

6 Project Goals Transportation and Mobility  Operating and Maintenance Cost  Intermodal Connectivity  Accessibility  Travel Time Savings Economic Opportunity and Investment  Consistency with Land Use Patterns  Proximity to Existing and Planned Development  Proximity to Developed and Redevelopable Land  Resident/Neighborhood Sentiment  Business Community Sentiment  Environmental Impacts

7 Project Goals Cont. Site Characteristics  Positive Community Impact  Avoid Business and Resident Relocations  Personal Security  Environmental Clearance/Remediation  Visibility  Capital Cost  Ease of Site Acquisition  Ability to Phase Construction

8 Preferences Tier 1 – Best Suited - Hardy Yards - White Oak Tier 2 - Sufficient - Wilson Property - Post Office - Bus Barn Tier 3 – Least Suited - East Bayou - I-10/US 59 WHITE OAK HARDY YARDS Wilson Post Office Bus Barn I-10/US 59 East Bayou

9 Facility Program Multi Levels Two facilities:  Metro Transportation Program  National & International Bus Carriers Program Terminal Levels:  Tunnel: Main St. level  Existing Surface: railroad tracks level  Level 1: 25ft above the existing surface  Level 2: 20ft above level 1

10 Transportation Modes Tunnel BRT Automobile Existing Surface AMTRAK Commuter rail LRT Regional/national/ international bus Level 1 LRT Level 2 High-speed rail

11 Program Requirements METRO 80,000 square feet. National/international bus carriers are 48,000 square feet. 2,000-car parking facility of approximately 600,000 square feet.

12 Project Costs Item Estimated Construction Cost ($ million) Low Estimated Construction Cost ($ million) High Building (80,000 SF) $ 22 Guideway/Platforms $ 40$ 55 National/International Bus Carriers (48,000 SF) $ 13 Transit Center $ 20 Garage $ 20 Subtotal $ 115$ 130 Contingency (30 percent) $ 35$ 39 Total $ 150$ 169

13 Operating Model Direct Public Ownership (Land and Improvements)  Public Operation or Private (Contract) Operations  Public and Private Lease Tenants Direct Public Ownership (Land and Improvements)  Direct Operation or Contract Operation  Public and Private Lease Tenants Public Ownership/Long-Term Private Ground Lease or Individual Tenant Leases

14 Operating Model Cont. Private Ownership/Long-Term Public Ground Lease (Sale + Leaseback)  Public Operation or Private (Contract) Operation  Public and Private Lease Tenants Mixed Ownership and Lease Arrangements (Subdivided Site)

15 Comparison Sustaita Architects  Entertainment  Education  Commercial

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