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Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS Retail Markets Co-Ordination Working Group Wednesday, 14 th August, 2013 NIAUR Offices Belfast.

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Presentation on theme: "Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS Retail Markets Co-Ordination Working Group Wednesday, 14 th August, 2013 NIAUR Offices Belfast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS Retail Markets Co-Ordination Working Group Wednesday, 14 th August, 2013 NIAUR Offices Belfast

2 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS ReMCoWG Agenda Agenda ItemPresenterTime IntroductionA O Connor ReMCoDS13:00 – 13:05 ReMCoSG Meeting Feedback Seán mac an Bhaird CER13:05 – 13:15 ESBN/NIE UpdatePaul Mallon, ESBN/ Nigel Wray, NIE 13:15 – 13:35 Market Design UpdateA O Connor ReMCoDS13:35 – 13:50 ReMCoWG To-Do List Review A O Connor ReMCoDS13:50 – 13:55 AOB & ClosingA O Connor ReMCoDS13:55 – 14:00

3 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS Approval of Minutes Minutes from ReMCoWG meeting 12 th June 2013

4 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS Update from ReMCoSG Meeting 26/06/13

5 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS Update from ReMCoSG Meeting 26/06/13

6 Retail Market Messaging Update Paul Mallon/Nigel Wray 14/08/2013 6

7 Agenda Recent Events Current Status Plan Progress Update 7

8 Recent events Central Hub Events –2 nd August Central Hub outage TIBCO EMS queue failure @ 17:30 Services restored and central hub messages cleared by 21:30. –Some follow-on work on Monday 6 th in ESBN. Incident under investigation with TIBCO –12 th August Loss of Supplier’s EMMA – Services stopped Central Hub message processing delays Supplier’s EMMA restored and message backlog cleared Known issue for Central Hub – December release. 8

9 Current Status Data Archiving (BC and BW) –Central Hub - Completed –EMMAs - majority completed but there are two instances still outstanding. Proven results from data archiving –monitoring stats, error reports reduced Feedback welcome 9

10 10 Progress Against Plan

11 Interim contingency now in place –De-risks market messages from a prolonged outage of EMMA/s –Manually invoked at central hub level –Manual restore process for Suppliers messages Messages re-directed to dummy EMMA Manual transfer of messages by Supplier Manual message reconciliation by Supplier –Supplier documentation to be issued shortly. 11 Progress Against Plan

12 Permanent solution for December release –De-risks market messaging processing for all –Design agreed and validated independently –Automatically invoked at central hub level –Supplier restore process uses the EMMA solution in full –Message reconciliation in 602 Enhancements Package –Scope has been agreed and validated independently –Addresses database coding issues –Includes TIBCO technology refresh 12

13 High-level cut-over activities for Suppliers –Pre-cutover activities Full back-up of all EMMA environments –Cut-over activities Planned shutdown of production EMMA Production EMMA application upgrade Re-start of production EMMA and checks Confirmation that production EMMA is processing messages Full details to be provided –Supplier involvement not anticipated much before 7 th Dec go live 13 Progress Against Plan

14 TIBCO technical audit –Audit completed –Validation of plan through to December –Audit Report is being finalised –Briefing for CER/UR on completion Proof of Concept on TIBCO upgrade –On plan –May be extended to include other TIBCO components 14 Progress Against Plan

15 Capita Support Arrangements NIE/ESBN Normal business days and hours of work –NI based holidays –ROI and NI overlap –Emergency operational cover for central hub infrastructure As per existing NIE and ESBN commercial/service arrangements 15

16 Capita Support Arrangements NIE/ESBN

17 Support Arrangements cover –Central hub operation and maintenance –Maintenance and upgrade of TIBCO application –Supplier support for EMMA software solution –Support for a Supplier EMMA is limited to the core EMMA application. –Additional Supplier requested support needs to be discussed and agreed with Capita 17

18 Market Message Reconciliation Process Reconciliation is performed each morning between SAP ISU (ESBN & NIE) and the TIBCO BusinessConnect (BC) database 1. Jobs run on ESBN & NIE SAP ISU each morning at 07.30am to produce CSV files containing total messages per message type per Supplier from 03:00am on the previous day to 02.59.59am on the current day. 2. Jobs run on the TIBCO database and reports are generated to highlight discrepancies between SAP isu and TIBCO 3. ESBN review to determine source of failures e.g. SAP pi or schema validation. Capita complete same for NIE

19 4. Job runs each morning on TIBCO hub to create 602 reports for messages sent and received between 03:00 and 02:59. 5. Suppliers use the 602 message to reconcile against internal systems. Capita should be advised of any discrepancies. Market Message Reconciliation Process

20 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS Market Design Update – Workload Overview

21 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS 4 December 2015 MCR1114 V2.0 - Post-Harmonisation Sundry Technical Changes to CoBL /Schema  Provides a single gathering point for a no. of small technical changes to the CoBL and Schema that arose during the course of the Harmonisation Projects  Classified as Co-ordinated Schema Impacting at meeting of 12/06/13 and approved as DR  At today ’ s Meeting Recommendation for Approval of MCR1114 V2

22 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS 4 December 2015 MCR 176 V3.0 – Email Address Validation  MCR Classified as Co-Ordinated Schema Impacting and approved as MCR at ReMCoWG on 27/06/12  The upgrade to the CMS (to SAP ERP6) included new functionality which validates the format of email addresses. Currently there is no validation on email address formats. MPs will need to adhere to the new email address format. If the validations fail, the inbound message will be rejected with associated rejection message and code EMA.  NIE requested MCR be updated to include implementation in NI  MCR updated to include impacts At Today ’ s Meeting:  Approval of MCR V3.0 Requested

23 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS 4 December 2015 MCR1129 V2.0 - Post-Harmonisation Sundry Non Technical changes to CoBL  Provides a single gathering point for a number of non-technical changes to the Co- Ordinated Baseline, identified during the course of the Harmonisation Projects  CoBL Code Updates and MM Guides  Corrections/Updates to Supplier Id Codes (NI and RoI)  Removal of Gen Unit Id and Gen MPID (RoI)  C001 is not listed as a valid Outcome Reason Code in ROI and not listed as possible on 131 Message  Company Authorised Officer not listed in the 016 MM in the CoBL or in the ROI Customer and Data Agreements MM Guide  Unit No is incorrectly listed as char 40 long - should be 10 long  Code set for Security Question shows some values are valid for ROI - Need to set all codes to ROI Usage "NO“  The CSSN segment on the 010, 017, 101 and 105 MM is correct but misplaced. It appears to include several data items that are, in fact, part of the top level segment.  Classified as Co-ordinated Baseline Impacting at meeting of 12/06/13 and approved as DR  At today ’ s Meeting  Recommendation for Approval of MCR 1129 V2.0

24 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS 4 December 2015 MCR1129 V2.0 - Post-Harmonisation Sundry Non Technical changes to CoBL  Action 108 MPs to consider the impact of implementation of MCR1129 ahead of Market Release 2014  Proposal to update CoBL with non technical corrections  Re-issue CoBL as V2.4  Update all Message Guides and re-issue as V2.4  Advantage that corrections and updates are up-to-date  Target November 2013 Approval Requested

25 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS 4 December 2015 DR1134 V1.0 - To Update the RoI Retail Market Documentation Discussion Request  This request proposes to update the RoI Retail Market Documentation (Message Guides) with some corrections At Today’s ReMCoWG Meeting:  Classification as RoI Specific Requested

26 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS 4 December 2015 DR 1019 V1.0 – Cancellation of De-Energisation Service Orders for Change of Supplier with CoLE Discussion Request  Open Service Orders delay the progress of a CoS as need to be complete or cancelled before CoS can proceed  Could result in a new customer being de-energised unnecessarily  DR proposes that ESBN manually cancel SO for de- energisations where CoS has a CoLE (explicit or implicit) where possible  Outgoing Supplier will not need to send 017W  ESBN will issue 131MM to outgoing Supplier At Today ’ s Meeting:  Classification as RoI Specific requested

27 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS 4 December 2015 CCR007 – Additional Code Values  New Code Change Request  Additional code values for existing Unmetered Type “SONE”  At today’s Meeting  Classification as RoI specific requested

28 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS 4 December 2015 DR/MCR Status List

29 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS 4 December 2015 DR/MCR Status List

30 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS ReMCoWG Action Items Open Items as at end of last meeting

31 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS ReMCoWG Meeting  AOB

32 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS Next Steps  Next ReMCoWG meeting 16 th October, 2013 (Dublin)  Dates for all meetings for 2013 can be viewed on the RMDS website Calendar at:

33 Retail Markets Co-Ordination Design Service ReMCoDS Thank You ReMCoWG Meeting

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