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Building Connections with Other Campus Constituencies Lesley Kawaguchi, Facilitator Don Gauthier, LA Valley, Ed Policies Committee Kim Harrell, Folsom.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Connections with Other Campus Constituencies Lesley Kawaguchi, Facilitator Don Gauthier, LA Valley, Ed Policies Committee Kim Harrell, Folsom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Connections with Other Campus Constituencies Lesley Kawaguchi, Facilitator Don Gauthier, LA Valley, Ed Policies Committee Kim Harrell, Folsom Lake, Ed Policies Committee Angelina Stuart, Southwestern, Ed Policies Committee

2 Repairing broken bridges

3 Constructing new ones

4 Why relationships are critical? Who will be there to catch you? In times of retraction Budget reductions decreased allocation of FTE Integrity of the programs & services Program Discontinuance Section reductions Loss of student services Impacts student transfer & success Employment security Friction between constituencies In times of growth Program development & delivery Innovation in curriculum & services Increased allocation of FTE Developing new bridges/connections

5 Who are the key players? Campus Constituencies: Students Full Time Faculty Part Time Faculty Classified Staff Unions Administrators Governing Board CTE Advisory Boards Community Partnerships Business & Industry Non-profit groups Feeder high schools College Foundation Bond Oversight Committees

6 What strategies can you use? Evaluate your organizational structure Promote what you do to others Break down communication silos Outreach to high schools & community Get involved in the Academic Senate and ASCCC Institutes. Participate in campus-wide activities & create some! Other ideas?

7 Conflict Resolution Trust (but verify!) Established processes (call for process check) Face to face (non- confrontational) dialogue IBA (Interest-Based Approach) Mediation Arbitration Work towards consensus

8 The Oldest Bridges are sometimes the best. Tried & true; they are always there and sometimes we take them for granted but we shouldn’t….

9 Don’t spend too much time on building the bridge that you forget your original purpose. Hint: It’s a bridge, a prison, a museum, and a tourist destination.

10 This bridge is revealed as the essence of a bridge: it’s transparent, visible, strong, yet simple. Our connections need to be like this, too: simple and classic. Its function is clear and easy to understand.

11 Don’t forget about the Power of Personal Relationships. Looking forward to a lifetime of cooperation and mutual aid …

12 Questions?

13 Resources Rostrums alliances-inside-and-outside-college PowerPoint Unions and Senates - Uniting the Faculty Across Constituencies Communication Challenges: Standing Strong while Staying Positive Other cal-senates/handbook/partIII

14 Presenter Contact info: Lesley Kawaguchi, Santa Monica College Kim Harrell, Folsom Lake College Angelina Stuart, Southwestern College Don Gauthier, Los Angeles Valley College

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