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Unit #2, Quiz #2 Grade: «grade» Subject: «subject» Date: «date»

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1 Unit #2, Quiz #2 Grade: «grade» Subject: «subject» Date: «date»

2 1The largest ocean garbage patch can be found in the: A Atlantic Ocean B Pacific Ocean C Arctic Ocean D Indian Ocean

3 2Which of the following regions is under the highest pressure? A hadal B epipelagic C benthic D mesopelagic

4 3What percent of aquatic species are considered benthic? A 5% B 25% C 60% D 98%

5 4Minamata disease is associated with which toxic element: A Cadmium B Lead C Petroleum D Mercury

6 5Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of coastal waters: A They are euryhaline & eurythermal B They are relatively shallow & adjoin continents C They are isothermal in the midsummer & midwinter D They are heavily used for commerce & recreation

7 6All of the following are adaptations for plankton dealing with the viscosity of water EXCEPT: A Warm-water copepods have many appendages B Cold-water copepods have to deal with the relatively high viscosity of cold water in comparison to warm- water copepods C Many plankton produce a small amount of oil to help keep themselves lower in the water column D Cold-water copepods are more hydrodynamic

8 7When considering the salt content, marlin are __________ when compared to their environment. A hypotonic B hypertonic C isotonic D osmotic

9 8Which of the following is FALSE when considering petroleum-based pollution: A Petroleum is biodegradable, therefore is not considered to be highly damaging in comparison to other pollutants B Petroleum will stay on the surface of water C Petroleum spills mainly effect low-level creatures, such as phytoplankton, that rely on sunlight for survival D Petroleum spills have a longer-lasting effect on fully aquatic organisms such as fish than semi-aquatic organisms such as gulls & terns

10 9All of the following zones are aphotic EXCEPT: A hadal B mesopelagic C bathypelagic D abysopelagic

11 10Asterias rubens is the scientific name for the common starfish. These can be found in many coastal waters. These organisms must be __________________ in order to survive in these waters. A eurythermal & stenohaline B eurythermal & euryhaline C stenothermal & stenohaline D stenothermal & euryhaline

12 11Ferdinand Magellan is best known for A founding the first school of navigation B attempting to find a west-ward route to India C attempting to find a east-ward route to India D being the first to circumnavigate the world

13 12How does a warm-water copepod differ from a cold-water copepod: A Warm-water copepods have more appendages to propel themselves through the more dense water B Warm-water copepods have multiple appendages to keep them afloat C Warm-water copepods always have a well-defined head region D Warm-water copepods are more streamline than cold-water to move through the more viscous water

14 13Who was the first to land on/discover North America A Christopher Columbus B Leif Eriksson C Eric the Red D Ferdinand Magellan

15 14Generally, which of the following is TRUE about phytoplankton & zooplankton A Zooplankton require sunlight and stable temperatures B Phytoplankton can be found deep within the aphotic zone of the ocean C Zooplankon are the primary source of nutrition for phytoplankton D Phytoplankton are smaller than zooplankton

16 15Which of the following is nektonic A A barnical B A dolphin C A dungeness crab D Spirogyra (green algae)

17 16A community is made up of A a group of populations B a group of individuals C a group of organisms D a group of biomes

18 17All of the following are reasons why coastal waters are disproportionately effected by pollution, EXCEPT: A They are relatively shallow, so pollutants are more concentrated B They are better circulated than open ocean, so more pollution is drawn in C Sources of both chemical & thermal pollution are often found nearby D They are heavily used by humans for commerce, recreation, and fisheries

19 18Which of the following is an example of an organism using chromatophores: A B C D

20 19The majority of life within an aquatic system can be found in: A the epipelagic B the benthic C the euphotic D the bathylpelagic

21 20Bioaccumulation can be defined as: A The amount of energy that is retained with each increasing level of the food chain is only 10% B 90% of the energy from the lower-levels of the food chain is l ost to the environment as thermal & other forms of energy C A substance building up in the tissues of organisms and increasing in toxicity up the food chain D A substance building up in the tissues of higher-level organisms & causing a toxic trickle-down effect on lower-level organisms

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