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GOOD MORNING! Some of you need to turn in your USA map from Thursday – turn this into the basket Also need some parent contact forms! 1 st quiz is Wednesday.

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Presentation on theme: "GOOD MORNING! Some of you need to turn in your USA map from Thursday – turn this into the basket Also need some parent contact forms! 1 st quiz is Wednesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOOD MORNING! Some of you need to turn in your USA map from Thursday – turn this into the basket Also need some parent contact forms! 1 st quiz is Wednesday – Mapping Quiz USA (the states) Continents & Oceans Selects land features (mountains, rivers, etc.) My wiki pag: 21st Geo.21st Geo.



4 WARM UP Explain the phrase “the world keeps getting smaller and smaller”. Give three examples to support your answer. By the end of this lesson, students will: Be able to provide a basic definition of globalization with supporting evidence; Begin to hypothesize the impact of globalization around the world, and on their personal life

5 WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION? Brainstorm: What do you think the term “globalization” means? Can you think of any examples – historic or modern?

6 GLOBALIZATION IS DEFINED AS… The increase of international integration – social, economic, political, and environmental – through trade and communication. Can you think 1 example of social integration? Economic? Political? Environmental?

7 WHY ALL THE CONTROVERSY? Why do you think globalization is considered controversial? Can you think of 4 benefits & 4 drawbacks to globalization? Modern globalization is passionately debated throughout the international community. Why do you think various members of the international community have opposing views of globalization?

8 DID YOU KNOW - 2014 (video link) Be prepared to share out 2-3 things that surprised you.

9 DISCUSS… What were some of the things presented in the video that surprised you, or made you take notice? Why did these things stick out to you? How does globalization affect you? Your present life Your future life

10 EXIT TICKET In your own words, define “globalization” and give 3 pieces of evidence to support your definition. Describe 1 way globalization impacts your daily life. Homework:

11 HAPPY TUESDAY… Have your homework ready to turn in! You had to finish the last two rows on yesterday’s note sheet. Be prepared to talk about it… Quiz tomorrow: States, Continents, Oceans… I will not include land feature on this quiz…they will be on another quiz in the near future

12 GLOBALIZATION CONTENT POSTER / PRESENTATION Objective: To help students better understand the concept of globalization, students will work with a small group to become experts for a specific question pertaining to globalization. Directions: With your small group, you will read the short passage pertaining to globalization. You will become the content experts about this question by using the information I provided, but also, information that you can find using Google. I am trusting you to use your technology appropriately – Inappropriate use will be deal with. You will create a content poster explaining your particular section. Your poster should contain, at minimum, the following: Title (BIG) = 5 pts. Group names in bottom right corner = 5 pts. Explanation / description = 20 pts. Examples (2) = 20 pts. Images (2) = 10 pts. Your group will present this to the class – each group member must present a piece of the poster to the class.


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