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Community and Family Studies HSC Enrichment Day 2014 Groups in Context Individuals and Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Community and Family Studies HSC Enrichment Day 2014 Groups in Context Individuals and Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community and Family Studies HSC Enrichment Day 2014 Groups in Context Individuals and Work

2 Syllabus Content Students Learn AboutStudents Learn To recognising individuals in their workplace supportive workplace structures safe work environment – Occupational Health and Safety work conditions – awards – anti-discrimination – grievance procedures trade unions and employer organisations workers compensation / WorkCover  analyse how rights and responsibilities are supported by workplace structures and affect - the wellbeing of the employer and employee in the workplace - efficient work practices BOSTES (1999).

3 Acronym: Acronym: www.set www.set Mitchell et all (2011)

4 Evaluate the contribution of supportive workplace structures to efficient work practices (15 marks). (BOSTES, 2009) Focus Question

5 Mind-Map Supportive Workplace Structures for employees and employers. Safe Work Environment -Occupational Health and Safety Employer Organisations Work Conditions -Awards -Anti-discrimination -Grievance Procedures Trade Unions WorkCover Workers Compensation Activity 1:

6 Workplace structures and how it benefits employees.... Benefits to Employees Activity 2(a+b):

7 Efficient work practices Safe Work Environ Awards Grieve Proc Anti– Discrim Trade/ Emp Worker s Comp Work Cover Contributes to a harmonious environment Allows issues to be resolved Protects the employee from discrimination Improves dissatisfaction of employees Minimises workplace disruption caused by disputes Members achieve the best possible working conditions Provide support for members in relation to industrial relations Promotes the safe return to work after injury or illness Employees feel valued without the risk of unethical procedures Members benefit through legal and financial advice Improves employees hours and productivity Increases job satisfaction

8 Section II Attempt ONE question from Questions 29-31 Allow about 45 minutes for this section Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. (25 marks) _________________________________________________________ In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: ■ demonstrate knowledge and understanding of societal influences on wellbeing relevant to the question ■ apply the skills of critical thinking and analysis ■ communicate ideas and information using relevant examples ■ present a logical and cohesive response _________________________________________________________ RUBRIC

9 Evaluate the contribution of supportive workplace structures to efficient work practices (15 marks). Scaffold for writing a responseSample ASample B 1.What is it? (Name the support structure) 2. Why does the structure exist? 3. What does it do? (How does the support structure work, what are its pros and cons?) 4. What contribution does the structure make to work practices? (E.g. does it result in efficient work practices or not?) 5. Is the structure of any value based on the contribution it makes to work practices? Activity 4(a+b)

10 Wishing you all the best for your CAFS and other HSC exams!

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