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Return to the PC Security web page Lesson 6: Improving Email Security.

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1 Return to the PC Security web page Lesson 6: Improving Email Security

2 Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will:  Identify phishing emails  Take appropriate steps if you suspect you have been exposed to identity theft  Use a spam filter  Identify email hoaxes  Create disposable email accounts 2

3 3 Confronting Email Security Risks Email carries potential risks  Malware infection  Spam  Phishing

4 4 Confronting Email Security Risks Spam  More than just an annoyance  Cost businesses close to $198 billion in 2007

5 5 Phishing in Email Attempt to trick users into revealing personal information Can lead to identity theft

6 6 Phishing in Email Identifying features  Message not addressed to you  Greeting does not refer to you by name  Hyperlinks do not match actual URL

7 7 Phishing in Email Victims  Forward phishing message to and to  Forward phishing message to company that was impersonated  Visit for the next steps

8 8 Reducing Spam Verify message legitimacy before forwarding 

9 9 Reducing Spam Avoid spambots  Keep your email address off websites Read privacy policies and EULAs Opt out if possible

10 10 Reducing Spam Multiple email accounts  Personal  Business  Disposable

11 Dealing with Spam Once started, spam cannot be stopped – only controlled Spam filters  Software installed as an email program add-in  Must be trained  Service that checks mail before it hits your inbox Whitelists and blacklists 11

12 Return to the PC Security web page Lesson 6: Improving Email Security

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