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BBSRC future research priorities Professor Nigel Brown Director of Science and Technology Group.

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Presentation on theme: "BBSRC future research priorities Professor Nigel Brown Director of Science and Technology Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 BBSRC future research priorities Professor Nigel Brown Director of Science and Technology Group

2 2 STAKEHOLDERS INDUSTRY: agriculture, food, chemical, health, pharmaceutical PUBLIC: dialogue and consultation GOVERNMENT: e.g. DEFRA, FSA, RCUK Why? Quality of Life and UK plc Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council BBSRC funding totals around £340M p.a. MISSION Fund first-class bioscience research Train bioscientists Support knowledge transfer Engage with public

3 3 “Mixed economy” of BBSRC funding Universities basic research curiosity-driven shorter-term funding research training Institutes strategic research mission-oriented longer-term funding specialist facilities

4 4 Funding – commitment 07/08 Council decides overarching division of funding when developing Delivery Plan Budget £381.9m Source – BBSRC 2004 Delivery Plan. Figures include FEC

5 5 Science Panels & Committees Healthy Organism Integrative & Systems Biology Sustainable Agriculture Tools & Resources Bioscience for Industry Bioscience for Society Studentships & Fellowships Panels Strategy Board Council Agri-FoodAnimal Sciences Biochemistry & Cell Biology Biomolecular Sciences Engineering & Biological Systems Genes & Development Biology Plant & Microbial Sciences Research Committees

6 6 Ten Year Vision and Strategic Plan REFRESHED 2005-06

7 7 Excellent Science

8 8 Some highlights of the SR2004 allocations 4% p.a increase in responsive mode funding over 3 years. 3% p.a. average increase in Institute CSG over 3 years. £16M for development of new tools and resources. £25M in integrative and systems biology. £8M to promote the transfer of understanding of basic plant science to crop research. £6M in animal health and welfare research. 80% of new PhD awards in 2006/07 will be 4-year flexible awards. –All figures pre-fEC

9 9 Building a healthier UK bioscience base Increase responsive mode funding Embed systems biology in the UK SEB Establish a funding stream for large and longer programmes Fund more research at the interface with Physical Sciences, Maths and Engineering Establish mechanisms for funding Tools and Resources in the Biosciences

10 10 BBSRC Reviews: horizon-scanning Crop Science Farm Animal Genetics and Genomics Microbial Science Bioenergy Biosecurity

11 11 BBSRC Institutes Babraham Institute Institute for Animal Health Institute of Food Research Institute for Grassland & Environmental Research John Innes Centre –Arabidopsis genome project, led by John Innes Centre Roslin Institute –Dolly the sheep cloned at Roslin Institute Rothamsted Research

12 12 Science and Innovation Strategy Delivery Plan published Autumn 2005 Look at science across Institutes rather than at individual institutions Iterations of strategy with Institutes, Strategy Board and Council Institute Strategy published December 2005

13 13 3 Key Strategic Areas of Research Sustainable agriculture and land use [including plant and microbial science] - RRes, IGER and JIC Animal health and welfare - IAH and RI Biomedical [including cell biology, diet and health] - BI and IFR

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