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Understanding Types of Drugs Categorizing Drugs: Proper & Street Name Identification.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Types of Drugs Categorizing Drugs: Proper & Street Name Identification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Types of Drugs Categorizing Drugs: Proper & Street Name Identification

2 Narcotics Definition: A class of substances that blunt the senses and in large quantities produce euphoria, stupor, or coma; that when used constantly can cause habituation or addiction; and that are used in medicine to relieve pain, cause sedation and induce sleep. Examples: –Codeine- Demerol –Dilaudid- Heroin –Methadone- Morphine –Opium- Percodan –Talwin- Darvon –Paregoric

3 Street Names - Narcotics School boy Demies Little D Smack Junk Downtown Meth Dollies M - Miss Emma - Morph blue velvet - Black stuff - Perkies - Ts - Scag - Horse - Dope

4 Stimulants Definition: Something that temporarily quickens some vital process or the functional activity of some organ or part Examples: –Benzedrine –Dexedrine –Methadrine –Cocaine –Caffeine –Nicotine –Crack

5 Street Names - Stimulants Bennies Black bauties Co-pilots Dexies Speed Meth Crank Uppers Coke Snow Blow Nose candy Toot Uptown whites ups Christmas trees Hearts

6 Depressants Definition: Having the quality of depressing or lowering the vital activities; a sedative Examples: –Wine- Phenobarbital –Beer- Sopor –Hard Liquor- Librium –Quaaludes- Valium –Tuinal- Thorazine –Seconal –Amytal –Nembutal

7 Street Names - Depressants Blues Downers Yellow jackets Yellows Phennies Purple hearts Reds F-40s Rainbows D Downers Ludes 714s Qs Sopors Red devils Redbirds Blue heaven Tooeys Barbs downs booze

8 Hallucinogens Definition: A substance that induces hallucinations Examples: –LSD –Mescaline –Peyote –Psilocybin –PCP –MDA

9 Street Names - Stimulants AcidMagic mushrooms Purple HazeWindow panes Blue CheerThe love drug Angel Dust Super Grass Killer Weed Scramblers Blotter Buttons Cubes Shrooms Mesc Cactus

10 Inhalants Definition: A medication, anesthetic, or other compound in vapor or aerosol form, taken by inhalation Examples: –Amyl nitrite –Butyl nitrite –Nitrous oxide –Glue –Gasoline –Cleaning fluid –Nail polish remover –Aerosol spray –Laquer –Whiteout –Spot Remover

11 Street Names - Inhalants Popper Bolt Locker Room Rush Ames Laughing Gas

12 Marijuana Definition: A preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria Examples: –Hashish –THC –Thai Stick –Sinsemilla

13 Street Names – Marijuana PotRoachMaui Woee GrassHashBC Bud WeedKif JointHerb JaysGanja SticksAcapulco Gold Mary JanePanama Red ReeferColumbian

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