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GADGET* - Motivation - Work packages  Wigglers  Intra Beam Scattering  Instrumentation Test Beam  Vacuum Systems -Budget guidelines and status _______________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "GADGET* - Motivation - Work packages  Wigglers  Intra Beam Scattering  Instrumentation Test Beam  Vacuum Systems -Budget guidelines and status _______________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 GADGET* - Motivation - Work packages  Wigglers  Intra Beam Scattering  Instrumentation Test Beam  Vacuum Systems -Budget guidelines and status _______________________________ *G eneration A nd D iagnostics G ear for tiny E mi T tance ESGARD Open Meeting on FP7-IA CERN, 10-11 September, 2007 NAS Integrated Activity Hans-H. Braun, ESGARD OMNIA meeting, 10.9.2007

2 Generation of high brightness e - & e + beams Accelerate fast & efficient Preserve brightness up to IP Key Ingredients for Linear Collider

3 Generation of high brightness e - & e + beams Accelerate fast & efficient Preserve brightness up to IP Key Ingredients for Linear Collider GADGET

4 3 rd generation light source Equilibrium beam emittance Stochastic SR emission SR cooling from bending magnets SR insertion devices Intra beam scattering Heating Cooling LC damping ring Equilibrium beam emittance Stochastic SR emission SR cooling from bending magnets SR insertion devices Intra beam scattering e +, small  time structure  vacuum system instabilities Linear collider damping rings are extrapolating technology of SR Light sources

5 Damping rings and 3 rd generation SR facility parameters table from Yannis Papaphilippou PARAMETER ILCCLIC ATFALSSLS energy [GeV] 5.002.424 Bunch charge [10 9 ] <204.4 1046 circumference [m] 6695.1365.2 139197288 hor. normalized emittance [nm] 5600395 27982565623483 ver. normalized emittance [nm] 204.2 251920 N B  X  Y  10 5 nm 2 ] 1.7826.5 1.420.0820.128 Key component to get high brightness are dampings ring

6 CLIC damping ring Emittance IBS dominated, 4 x zero current emittance) Very strong damping with 2.5 T, W =5cm s.c. wiggler Open issues: Wiggler technology, reliability of IBS calculations, e-cloud… M. Korostelev

7 SC Wiggler Workpackage Goals  Demonstrate technical feasibility of wiggler magnets anticipated for CLIC  Explore the technical limits  Get input for LC damping ring design

8 SC Wiggler workpackage Partners & Facilities  BINP SC Magnet production and measurement facilities  ANKA 2.5 GeV e - storage ring with straight section dedicated for ID R&D  CERN AT-MCS SC cable characterization, coil technology

9 Only superconducting wiggler magnets with unprecedented parameters can provide sufficient damping strength. BINP and ANKA have made paper studies for such wigglers, Documented in conference papers at EPAC’06 and PAC’07 Both, BINP and ANKA have an impressive record of achievements with this type of magnet technology In GADGET we want to design & produce two full size (2m) prototypes of each wiggler type including magnet measurements and tests with beam in ANKA 2.5 GeV SR source. Goals are Demonstrate feasibility of wiggler concepts Understand limitations and permissible parameter space for wigglers (therefore two types !) Get realistic wiggler description for beam dynamics

10 BINPANKA B peak 2.5 T2.7 T W 50 mm21 mm Beam aperture full height12 mm5 mm Conductor typeNbTiNbSn 3 Operating temperature4.2 K Contour plot of horizontal emittance with IBS as function of wiggler parameters ANKA SC wiggler BINP SC wiggler BINP PM wiggler Sketches of BINP wiggler Low vertical beta-optics in the long straight sections of ANKA: β x =14 m, β y = 1.9 m, ε x = 40 nm

11 IBS Workpackage Goals  Improve Intrabeam scattering theory for reliable prediction of beam performance in unprecedented parameter regime  Validate theory with measurements in existing SR facilities

12 IBS Workpackage Partners & Facilities  Cockcroft Institute Developments on IBS theory in Robin Tuckers group Well equipped theoretical toolbox  ANKA Experiments in ANKA (commitments for beamtime linked with wiggler WP)  CERN (no requests, thesis supervision together with EPFL)  PSI (associated, no requests, thesis supervision together with EPFL) Experiments in SLS  LNF (associated, no requests) Experiments in DA  NE

13 IBS workpackage CLIC DR’s emittance will be dominated by IBS ILC DR’s emittance has considerable contribution from IBS Predictive power of existing theory for this regime is more than questionable New approaches to compute phase space distribution Methods to predict halo generation due to IBS IBS and beam polarization Ad initio design of magnet lattice for minimum IBS+SR emittance Experimental verification of theory with experiments in existing storage rings See slides of talks at IBS’07 workshop at Cockcroft Institute

14 ATF Results

15 ITB Workpackage Goals  Provide dedicated facility for beam instrumentation developments  Enable development of novel diagnostic techniques critical for LC’s performance  Provide an European infrastructure for training opportunities in beam diagnostics

16 ITB Workpackage Partners & Facilities  John Adams Institute workshops  CERN CTF3  LAPP workshops and measurement labs  TU Berlin workshops and measurements labs  Univ. Heidelberg  Univ. Karlsruhe (associated)  CEA-DAPNIA Califes probe beam injector in CTF3

17 Layout of CLEX-A (A=Accelerator housing) floor space Dedicated beam line for beam diagnostics R&D using CALIFES beam Features: low  beam, possibility to achieve very short bunch length, variable time structure, space, accessibility Beamline design and constructionJAI, LAPP and CERN Diagnostics R&D in ITB requested in GADGET Coherent diffraction radiation methodsJAI BPM’s for integration in DR-wiggler cryostatTU Berlin and LAPP Quantitative halo monitors Univ. Heidelberg and Karlsruhe Gas jet for “calibration halo”Univ. Heidelberg and Karlsruhe Single shot emittance measurementsCERN 42.5 m 8 m 1.4m D F FD D FF D F D DUMP D F D F F D ITB 1.85m CALIFES probe beam injector provided by CEA-DAPNIA LIL-ACS D F D D F D D F DUMP 0.75 1.4m 1 DUMP 22.4 m TBL 2.5m walk around zone DUMP 23.2 m 1.4 m D F D F D F D F D F D F D F D F 3.0m 6 m D F D F D F D 16.6 m TBTS 16 m TL2’ Instrumentation Test Beam Line, ITB in CTF3

18 CERN contributionions to ITB  Floor space  Technical infrastructure  Magnet and Vacuum power supplies  Control system infratructure  Cabling

19 LAPP BPM electronic development for CTF3 BPI analog module digital module RJ45 Acquisition (ethernet)

20 Design of High Dynamic Range Beam Profile Monitors Heidelberg University Pre studies started at CTF3 in 2003  Novel camera systems  >10 5 dyn. range  Able to define regions of interest  Fast acquisition  Core masking technique / Micro Mirror Array -Measure profile -Define halo region -Use mirrors to block (intense) light from core C.P. Welsch et al Proc. SPIE Europe Optical Metrology (2007) C.P. Welsch et al Meas. Sci. Technol. 17 (2006) 2035c

21 Experimental Studies on Beam Halo Gas jet curtain Beam Beam + Halo  Development of gas jet with highly flexible geometry (intensity and shape),  Generation of desired halo distribution,  Measurements with high dynamic range monitors,  Goal: Benchmarking and improvement of models. Principle:

22 Vacuum systems workpackage Goals  Develop technical solutions for the vacuum system for linear collider damping rings  Get data set for coating as required for reliable prediction of damping ring performance

23 Vacuum systems workpackage Partners & Facilities  LNF DA  NE (e+ beam for e-cloud studies !), vacuum lab.  Cockcroft Institute Vacuum lab  CERN (TS-MME & AT-VAC) Coating facilities, surface physics lab, vacuum lab  ESRF coating facilities, vacuum lab, SR beamline for photoemission yield measurements

24 Vacuum systems Major worries for DR’s are instabilities due to Ions and e-cloud. Reduction of residual gas pressure and reduction of secondary emission with appropriate coatings (NEG, TiN,…) may cure these efffects. This requires a good understanding of a wide range of coating properties and fabrication techniques. There are potential spin-offs with other CLIC and ILC vacuum systems, but also with LHC injector chain. LNF Test of vacuum chamber coatings with beam in DA  NE ring Cockcroft Institute Behavior of NEG coatings under conditions close to those expected in damping rings. Measurement of photo-electron yield, photon-stimulated desorption rates, conditioning rates, …. Some data are already available, but need for a set of systematic and rigorous measurements to be able to design a vacuum system with confidence. CERN Correlate SEY with surface composition and conditioning Develop new production technique for NEG coated vacuum pipes of small diameter (few mm) Improve capability to simulate vacuum properties in long chambers pumped by NEG films

25 VACUUM@CERN FOR GADGET XPS and SEY meas. integrated Coatings and production techniques 1450 CERN made NEG-coated pipes installed in the LHC e-cloud detection SPS & PS dedicated benches M-C simulation Our experience: - Vacuum in the largest accelerator complex - Production and characterisation facilities already available - Tests benches for ECloud studies already available (SPS & PS) - Commissioning of LHC & Injectors Where the NEG films were born and grown P. Chiggiato & J.M. Jimenez

26 Present status of GADGET budget estimate all numbers in k€

27 Budget guidelines from ESGARD (as communicated by Erk Jensen) and present status Target for GADGET total cost3.0 M€ + 1.5 M€ (optional) = 4.5 M€ Target for GADGET request to EU1.0 M€ + 0.5 M€ (optional) = 1.5 M€ Target for commitments / EU request 2.0 Present GADGET total cost 9.0 M€ Present level of EU request 2.8 M€ Present commitments / EU request 2.2 Comments  1 st round of systematic accounting of indirect cost boosted EU request from ~2.1 M€ to 2.8 M€  Commitments can be booked elsewhere, but considerable fraction comes from Labs without direct representation in ESGARD  Vacuum systems activity included at request from ILC community after guideline was given  Very personal opinion: By creating awareness of existing capabilities & facilities in partner labs EU requests can probably be reduced to ~2.0-2.4 M€. Further reduction implies abandoning one of the heavy workpackages

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