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Trends in alcohol marketing New products Digital marketing Alcohol as a health food Stakeholder marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends in alcohol marketing New products Digital marketing Alcohol as a health food Stakeholder marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends in alcohol marketing New products Digital marketing Alcohol as a health food Stakeholder marketing

2 “Stakeholder marketing”: Social Aspects Organizations Growing trend internationally Another form of marketing… According to ICAP, there are more than 30 of these throughout the world. Exist at global level (ICAP, Global Producers Group), as well as national

3 Stakeholder marketing – sowing more confusion ICAP Reports Alcohol and pregnancy –“…many feel that there is insufficient evidence regarding moderate consumption of alcohol during pregnancy and the effect it may have on a developing fetus…” ICAP and Philip Morris (1996) –“Miller’s involvement is the latest initiative in management of worldwide issues, and assisting our sales and marketing group in an increasingly competitive marketplace.” (1996 CEO issues book)

4 Trade agreements – another potential barrier WTO enforces 18 agreements GATS could undercut national ability to limit outlets TRIPs regards advertising content as “intellectual property” and could limit ability to regulate it TRIMs, NAFTA – outlaw anything that restricts investors ability to profit from investments

5 Public health recommendations Exposure: –Increased exposure leads to early onset, heavier drinking –Early onset predicts later problem drinking –Stronger standards needed to reduce youth exposure to alcohol marketing –Greater monitoring and control needed over digital marketing

6 WHO Global Strategy Recommendations (a) setting up regulatory or co-regulatory frameworks, preferably with a legislative basis, and supported when appropriate by self-regulatory measures, for alcohol marketing by: –(i) regulating the content and the volume of marketing; –(ii) regulating direct or indirect marketing in certain or all media; –(iii) regulating sponsorship activities that promote alcoholic beverages; –(iv) restricting or banning promotions in connection with activities targeting young people; –(v) regulating new forms of alcohol marketing techniques, for instance social media;

7 WHO Global Strategy Recommendations (b) development by public agencies or independent bodies of effective systems of surveillance of marketing of alcohol products; (c) setting up effective administrative and deterrence systems for infringements on marketing restrictions.

8 Public health recommendations Content –Alcohol is NOT a health food –Alcohol’s health “story” is complex – marketing cannot simplify this into the message alcohol is: Good for you Part of being “fit” Helpful in losing weight –Alcohol marketing will never tell the negative side of the story, and will never “sell” light drinking

9 Marketing regulations: bucking the trend France –No advertising is allowed on television or in cinemas; –No sponsorship of cultural or sport events is permitted; –The law has been upheld by the European Court of Justice

10 Marketing regulations: bucking the trend Thailand –New Alcoholic Beverage Control Act passed in 2008 Prohibits sales of alcoholic beverages to anyone under 20 Bans consumption or sale of alcohol on government premises, schools, hospitals, petrol stations, parks Bans alcohol advertising that in any way includes pictures of a product or encourages drinking – leaves only “corporate” advertisement and advertising originating outside of Thailand

11 Thank you!

12 Alcohol is not a sports drink…

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