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Bar and Circle Graphs SPI 51B: interpret bar graphs representing real-world data SPI 51C: interpret circle graphs representing real-world data Objectives:

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Presentation on theme: "Bar and Circle Graphs SPI 51B: interpret bar graphs representing real-world data SPI 51C: interpret circle graphs representing real-world data Objectives:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bar and Circle Graphs SPI 51B: interpret bar graphs representing real-world data SPI 51C: interpret circle graphs representing real-world data Objectives: interpret results from various representations of data Five Different Representations of Data: Line Plots (page 119) Stem and Leaf Plot (page 120) Bar Graphs (page736) Circle Graphs (page 739) Scatter Plot (page 318)

2 Bar Graphs used to compare amounts horizontal axis (x-axis) shows the categories vertical axis (y-axis) shows amounts Number of Crimeville Police Analyze the Data # of police decreased from 1993 to 1996 # of police started increasing after 1996 compare or contrast the # of police for any combination of years

3 # hrs TV seen in one week TallyFrequency 0 - 2 3 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 11 12 - 14 15 + 0-2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15+ Hours of TV Watched 16- 14- 12- 10- 9- 8- 6- 4- 2- 0- Frequency 1. How many hours of TV did most students watch? 2. How many people were surveyed? Bar Graph Investigation with Class

4 You can draw graphs in various ways in order to give different impressions. You can use a break in the scale on one or both axes that will give a distorted picture of the data. Compare the graphs at the right for College enrollment data for the years 1980, 1996 and 2000. What would you assume by looking at the first graph? Does the second graph change the picture? Misleading Bar Graphs

5 Circle Graphs shows data as a percent or fractions of a whole the total must equal 100% show categories as part of the whole Analyze the Data More money was spent of food Food and rent are more than half of their income

6 Method of getting to school # of students Fraction of the whole DecimalPercent School bus 58 Car7 Walk35 Cycle12 Constructing a Circle Graph What is the total number of students (whole)? 112 total students Find the fraction of the whole, decimal and percent for each category. 58 112.52 52% 7 112.06 6% 35 112.31 31% 12 112.11 11% Graph and label each segment School Bus 52% Walk 31% Cycle 11% Car 6%

7 Scatter Plots Scatter Plot graph that relates two sets of data most values are in the first quadrant because the data is usually positive values commonly used in business and data collection surveys Television and Tests Hrs watched Test Scores Hrs watched Test Scores 092280 01002.565 0.5892.570 182368 1903.560 195465 1.5854.555 270560 Plot the data from the table, as ordered pair, to show a graphical representation.

8 Plotting and Analyzing Data on the Coordinate Plane Use the scatter plot to look for trends in data. There are 3 types of relationships data may have: 1. Positive Correlation 2. Negative Correlation 3. No Correlation Positive Correlation Trend line shows sets of data increase together. Negative Correlation Trend line shows one set of data increases as the other decreases. No Correlation Data sets are not related. What type of correlation does the data in the scatter plot for Television and Test scores have?

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