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International Bureau of the BMBF - Creating international research and education networks 1 Creating international research and education networks Petra.

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1 International Bureau of the BMBF - Creating international research and education networks 1 Creating international research and education networks Petra Ruth Mann London 5.11.2008 The International Bureau of the BMBF (IB)

2 International Bureau of the BMBF - Creating international research and education networks 2 Our mission We support the BMBF in planning and implementing international agreements and cooperation programmes. observe relevant international developments in the fields of science, research and technology. advise and support the stakeholders in Germany's scientific community when it comes to opening up new international networking opportunities and raising Germany's profile as a hub of science, research and innovation. are actively involved in the strategic development of international dimension of the European Research Area. IB Facts Topics Outlook

3 International Bureau of the BMBF - Creating international research and education networks 3 Our expertise We have outstanding knowledge about the research structures and cooperation opportunities in important partner countries around the world. are in contact with decision-makers in Germany and abroad. analyse and evaluate international research policy developments. IB Facts Topics Outlook

4 International Bureau of the BMBF - Creating international research and education networks 4 What we do (examples) We provide German institutions with information and advice on opportunities for international research cooperation. offer financial support to German institutions to help them make new contacts and initiate collaborations. implement international cooperation programmes on behalf of the BMBF and coordinate programmes for the support of young scientists on behalf of the BMBF. observe international research and innovation policy developments for the BMBF and other stakeholders in the German science, research and innovation landscape. coordinate and participate in EU network projects (ERA- and INCO- Nets/BILATs). design and maintain Internet sites and web portals (for example IB Facts Topics Outlook

5 International Bureau of the BMBF - Creating international research and education networks 5 Examples of our activities IB Facts Topics Outlook Information as factor of success – BMBF Internet portal, jointly operated by the IB and VDI-TZ, supported by 15 partners to date, relaunched in August 2008 Provides access to up-to-date, subject-specific information on research and education in support of the internationalization strategy Communication platform for those seeking information or interested in launching collaborations in Germany and abroad Networking instrument for German authorities, scientific institutions, intermediary organizations and industry organizations active in the field of international cooperation in research and education

6 International Bureau of the BMBF - Creating international research and education networks 6 Examples of our activities Communication and networking Triggering international cooperation activities Information about over 50 countries (35 country profiles), multilateral organizations (5 profiles), key international fields Knowledge about research & education in partner countries "Kooperation international": Global success through networking IB Facts Topics Outlook

7 International Bureau of the BMBF - Creating international research and education networks 7 Visit also: BMBF internet portal with links to the most relevant sites containing information on science and research in Germany. RiG offers a wide range of research and R&D partnership opportunities. RiG provides information on –German research institutions, –research funding, –research rankings, –German innovations –political instruments in the field of R&D IB Facts Topics Outlook

8 International Bureau of the BMBF - Creating international research and education networks 8 Dipl.-Ing. Petra Ruth Mann International Bureau of the BMBF c/o German Aerospace Center Heinrich-Konen-Str. 1 53227 Bonn Phone: +49 (0)228 3821-461 Fax: 0228 / 3821-444 E-mail: Thank you very much for your attention.

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