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W6L1ops400.ppt1 Reviews. 2 Notation types? Difference ? Job commands ?Get help with CMD??? Menu What role does the user profile play?What is your job.

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Presentation on theme: "W6L1ops400.ppt1 Reviews. 2 Notation types? Difference ? Job commands ?Get help with CMD??? Menu What role does the user profile play?What is your job."— Presentation transcript:

1 W6L1ops400.ppt1 Reviews

2 2 Notation types? Difference ? Job commands ?Get help with CMD??? Menu What role does the user profile play?What is your job description? How do you find out? Submitting jobs? Run Where? Scheduling jobs? Why? What does the job queue show?Why job queue ‘s? Messages Receiving controlled by what? Where received? How send? Logging? Why?

3 3 AS/400 Architecture Object-based architecture The Machine Interface (MI) translates instructions from the logical machine (OS/400 and application programs) to the physical machine (the hardware). The MI insulates the logical machine from the physical There are many advantages to this:

4 4 Architecture cont’d Single level storage –main and secondary memory (RAM & disk) are treated as a single mass –no hardware oriented considerations (eg. Managing disk drives) –because memory is managed by internal code, objects can be shared by different jobs.

5 5 Licensed Programs Licensed Internal Code Application Development Tools –PDM,SEU, SDA, RLU OfficeVision –similar to MS-Office, but AS/400 based Communication Support Client Access Mocha Programming Languages –Pascal, PL/1, Basic, RPG, C, C++, Cobol, Java, SQL, etc.

6 6 Using ‘ * ‘ On the AS/400 The * (asterisk or star) when used before a parameter value denotes a special value. Eg. *all, *libl, *curlib When the * is used after a parameter value, it is a wild card (just like in DOS) Eg. WRKUSRPRF DC234F*

7 7 Using F4 and ? The ? is used the same way F4 is. Entered into a command field, it gives you the possible values for the field. Entered before a command, puts you in prompt mode for that command. Eg. ?CRTLIB

8 8 Commonly Used Function Keys F1 = Help F2 = Extended Help F3 = Exit F4 = Prompt F5 = Refresh Screen F9 = Retrieve Previous Command F11 = Keyword toggle F12 = Cancel

9 9 System Values are used for Control and configuration attributes System values are AS/400 attributes that allow each installation to customize the machine to the organization’s own needs and specifications. -Some of the categories of system values are : Date and time System control Library list values Editing values Allocation values Security values Storage values Message and logging values

10 10 Objects Has a name Takes up space Has an object TYPE –the TYPE is assigned by the system –the command used to create the object indicates the object TYPE eg. CRTUSRPRF = *USRPRF CRTLIB = *LIB CRTPF = *FILE

11 11 Examples of Object Types *FILE *LIB *PGM *USRPRF *DEVD *OUTQ *JOBQ * *CMD *QRYDFN MSGQ *JOBD

12 12 Hierarchy of Storing Objects When an object is created, it is stored in the library specified. If no library is specified, it is stored in *CURLIB (current library). If there is no current library, it is stored in QGPL library.

13 13 AS/400 finds Objects HOW??? Note: Libraries, Library Descriptions, Device Descriptions and User Profiles are stored in QSYS. All other Object Types can be stored anywhere.

14 14 Qualified Name vs SIMPLE Name If you specify an object name and library, it is called a qualified name) e.g. Call OPS400LIB/PGM01 if you just use the object name, it is called a simple name. The *LIBL is used to find the object.e.g. Call PGM01

15 15 STORAGE HIERARGY Library: an object whose purpose is to ‘store’ and index other objects. ie. objects are ‘stored’ in libraries. Files: objects that store data Members: Source files have many ‘members’ each source program = one member Data Files: most common 1 member only exception multiple members (multi territory, multi company)

16 16 Data Storage Hierarchy Library Files Members contain data

17 17 Work with Members Using PDM File...... QCLSRC Library.... OPS234LIB Position to..... Type options, press Enter. 2=Edit 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Print 7=Re 8=Display description 9=Save 13=Change text 14=Compile 15=Cr Opt Member Type Text ___ BIRTHDAY CLP ___ CH11TIM CLP Chapter 11 CL program demo version ___ LAB4CLP CLP Lab 4 CL program ___ SHELL CLP CL program shell

18 18 Green Screen

19 19 AS/400 Screen Types Menus: includes menu selections, command line, function keys, header info Entry: e.g. Command Prompt screen which includes parameter description, input fields, function keys, header info Information screens: e.g. help screens List screens: e.g. ‘work with’ screens includes list of objects or members, options, command line, function keys, header info.

20 20 GO CL Command AS400 Menus Menu Description MAINMain Menu ASSIST Operational assistance Menu FILE All file related menu’s PROGRAMProgrammers Menu MAJORSorts Commands CMDCPYCopy Commands CMDDSPDisplay Commands CMDWRKWork With Commands CMDLIBLibrary Commands CMDMSGMessage Commands CMDOUTQOutput Queue Commands CMDUSRPRFUser Profile Commands

21 21 USER and the associated classes................................................................ : User Class - Help : : : The type of user. User class is one of the following: : : o *PGMR - Programmer : l o *SECADM - Security administrator : : o *SECOFR - Security officer : o *SYSOPR - System operator o *USER - User

22 22 How the AS/400 finds Objects When an object is created, it is created ‘in’ a particular library. To access an object, the AS/400 needs to know what library the object is in. (CL) Commands prompt you for the object name and library name. *LIBL is the default entry for a library parameter name request

23 23 Library Lists type *LIBL A list of Libraries, in order of importance Similar to the DOS ‘Path’ concept Each Job has it’s own library list (Can be inherited) It determines where a Job finds Objects when SIMPLE naming is used

24 24 Library Lists cont’d Different Types of Libraries: –System: IBM Supplied –Product:Added automatically when an IBM product is used –Current: Defined by an individual user ID User ID’s default Library –User: Non-IBM Supplied Libraries Created by Business to organize programs, files, By specific user’s for their own use etc.

25 25 Library Lists cont’d A Library List consists of 4 parts: –System Libraries (up to 15) –Product Libraries (none, 1 or 2) –Current Library(1 only) –User Library ( up to 25) To view your library list - DSPLIBL

26 26 How is Your Library List created? When you sign on, your library list is built from: –QSYSLIBL (system value) –QUSRLIBL (system value) –Current library from User Profile –User libraries from the job description Product libraries might be added as needed by the system

27 27 Library List cont’d

28 28 AUTHORITY System value..... : QCRTAUT Description..... : Create default public authority Create default public authority..... : *CHANGE *CHANGE *ALL *USE *EXCLUDE

29 29 ASSISTANCE LEVEL System value..... : QASTLVL Description..... : User assistance level Assistance level... : *BASIC *BASIC *INTERMED *ADVANCED.............................................................................. : QASTLVL - Help : : : Assistance level. Specifies the level of assistance available to users : : of the system. This system value is used to tailor the level of : : displays available for users of the system. Displays intended for less : : experienced users provide a higher level of assistance than do displays : : intended for expert users. : : : A change to this system value takes effect the next time a user signs : : on. The shipped value is *BASIC. : : Bottom : : F2=Extended help F3=Exit help F10=Move to top F12=Cancel : : F13=Information Assistant F14=Print help : : :............................................................................: Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit F12=Cancel

30 30 Display Authorization List Object....... : OPSPRF Owner....... : ADMIN Library..... : QSYS Primary group... : *NONE Object List ----------Object----------- User Authority Mgt Opr Mgt Exist Alter Ref ADMIN *ALL X X X X X X MOOGK *ALL X X X X X ABERNS *ALL X X X X X DMENKEN *ALL X X X X X LYDIA_LI *ALL X X X X X CREER *ALL X X X X X *PUBLIC USER DEF X Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit F11=Display data authorities F12=Cancel F15=Display authorization list objects F17=Top F18=Bottom AUTL OBJECT AUTHORITY

31 31 Display Authorization List Object....... : OPSPRF Owner....... : ADMIN Library..... : QSYS Primary group... : *NONE Object ---------------Data--------------- User Authority Read Add Update Delete Execute ADMIN *ALL X X X X X MOOGK *ALL X X X X X ABERNS *ALL X X X X X DMENKEN *ALL X X X X X LYDIA_LI *ALL X X X X X PANGBORN *ALL X X X X X CREER *ALL X X X X X Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit F11=Nondisplay detail F12=Cancel F15=Display authorization list objects F17=Top F18=Bottom DATA AUTHORITY

32 32 REVIEWING! Chapter 1 Introduction Storage Management- characteristics type of storage Jobs- types of job interactive - characteristics batch- characteristics Subsystems - What are they Why used Interactive - Characteristic When - Why - How Batch - Characteristic When - Why - How Others - Name some System Values - Main usage Identified by Name some Control Language - What is it Why used How structured

33 33 REVIEWING! - Cont’d 1 Chapter 1 Green screen- What mode - Properties Screen types- Which are the 4 types - Define each type Objects - What is an objects Benefit types Where do you find which File’s / File systems - Why used collectively known as hierarchically stored as Database- What is a data base IFS - What is it / Why

34 34 REVIEWING! - Cont’d 2 Chapter 1 Libraries - What is it hierarchy Name some important ones File- source v.s. data - File types Physical vs logical members- how related to files Queues - What is it or are they Used for what Name some (at least 3) Other Objects - *MSGF *PGM *MENUS SIGNING ON - HOW

35 35 REVIEWING! Chapter 2 - Security Physical - Data - Users / Access System values - audit, authority, job, data, user public authorities *all, *change, *use, *exclude System5 security levels - QSECURITY - which does what 3 assistance levels - which does what User profileWhat is it What does it do Who creates / controls it Contains what 5 classes - what are they special authorities Group ProfilesWhat are they

36 36 REVIEWING!Chapter 2 - Security cont’d 1 Job Descriptions -Why Type of jobs IInteractive, Batch Library Lists -What are they Why used Authorization lists - What are they Why use them Object authority -Who, What How established Access path - What is it Files - Physical vs logical keyed Search path -simple vs qualified naming

37 37 REVIEWING! Chapter 3- USER INTERFACE Screen types- which 4 MENUS- Function - Type - How invoked Function Keys- Action of most common ones used. 1,2,3,4,5,9,10,11,12,23,24 Options- Most common ones. 2,3,4,5,6,7,14, Help- How do you get what help - Basic, extended - Info seeker Prompting- How invoked (2 ways) *- Where used (2 positions) Assistance - controlled where - What is yours, stored where - How gotten?

38 38 REVIEWING! - Cont’d 1 Chapter 3 Commands- Verbs, nouns, adjectives Notation- Keyword vs. Positional Maintaining Source- Hierarchy utilities used- PDM - SEU commands- STR?, WRK? File attributes - subtypes - control what functions Line commands- individual, block compiling- How - result checked how

39 39 REVIEWING! Chapter 4- JOBS and MESSAGES Work with jobs- Purpose - Commands to use - Which menu’s to use Submitting- How scheduling (repeats)- How - Purpose - Benefit Queues(job)- Do what - How accessed Related commands - DSP?, WRK?, CHG?

40 40 REVIEWING! - Cont’d 1 Chapter 4 Messages- Function - Types - Levels - Commands DSP?, RCV?,RMV?, MON?, SND? Queues- Owned by who - Where stored - Commands? Joblog- Commands? - Function

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