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Page 1 JUSTIFY define and validate REQUIRE- MENTS define initial management DOCUMENTS define INFRA- STRUCTURE allocated maintenance changes management.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 JUSTIFY define and validate REQUIRE- MENTS define initial management DOCUMENTS define INFRA- STRUCTURE allocated maintenance changes management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 JUSTIFY define and validate REQUIRE- MENTS define initial management DOCUMENTS define INFRA- STRUCTURE allocated maintenance changes management documents initial requirement project infrastructure project funding project charter potential roles during this phase: project manager analyst subject matter expert quality assurance engineer estimator / planner process specialist standards specialist tools specialist project sponsor JAD / meeting facilitator technical writer infrastructure engineer from maintain & support phase INITIATE PHASE The main goal is to lay the foundation for a successful project. This is hard due to pressures by senior management and developers to start “real work” as soon as possible.

2 Page 2 DEFINE AND VALIDATE INITIAL REQUIREMENTS DEFINE SYSTEM FUNCTIONS vision commitment reasibility study existing applications maintenance changes DEFINE SYSTEM SCENARIOS CREATE MODELING CARDS HOLD SESSIONS INTERVIEW USERS PRIORITIZE REQUIRE- MENTS WALK THROUGH PROTOTYPES WALK THROUGH PROTOTYPES SIMULATE SCENARIOS DRAW PROCES MAPS requirement documentation (forms, tables, diagrams,...) project scope This is determining what needs to be built. Initial requirements are a foundation from which modeling can begin.

3 Page 3 DEFINE INITIAL MANAGEMENT DOCUMENTS DEFINE TASKS reasibility study project infrastructure initial requirements project objectives CREATE INITIAL SCHEDULE CREATE INITIAL RISK ASSESMENT CREATE INITIAL ESTIMATE CREATE INITIAL QUALITY ASSUR. PLAN DEFINE PROJECT SCOPE project plan risk assessment master test quality assurance plan Purpose of this process is to initiate documents such as the project plan and project risk assessment. They must be started at the beginning of the project and then maintained throughout its life.

4 Page 4 JUSTIFY IDENTIFY IMPLEMEN- TATION ALTERNATIVES vision estimate requirements documentation schedule risk assessment DETERMINE OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY DETERMINE TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY DETERMINE ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY CHOOSE ALTERNATIVE IDENTIFY RISKS feasibility study recommendations project funding risk assessment The purpose is to determine whether or not an application should be built. It is a reality check to determine whether or not a project makes a sense.

5 Page 5 DEFINE INFRASTRUCTURE SELECT TOOLS project plan initial requirements feasibility study existing infrastructure DEFINE TEAM SELECT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES SELECT METHODO- LOGY NEGOTIATE DELIVE- RABLES GREATE GROUP KNOWLEDGE BASE team definition (profile, skill database,...) tools selection tailored software process group knowledges The project infrastructure is made up of the project team, the tools that they will use, and a tailored version of the software development process that the team will follow.

6 Page 6 INITIATE entrance conditions checklist  senior management support exists to initiate a new project  maintenance changes pertaining to previous version (if any) are identified  infrastructure is available

7 Page 7 INITIATE to be performed checklist  the initial requirements have been defined and validated  the initial management documents have been defined  the project has been technically, economically and operationally justified  required project infrastructure has been defined  potential reusable artifacts have been identified  project team has been identified and trained where appropriate

8 Page 8 INITIATE exit conditions checklist  project plan has been accepted by senior management  project schedule has been accepted by senior mgmt  initial risk assessment has been performed  initial requirements have been accepted by senior management  appropriate standards and guidelines have been identified  software development process has been tailored to meet specific needs for the project  appropriate tools are prepared/installed  project funding has been obtained  project charter has been defined and accepted  project team has been assembled  lessons learned have been identified - team should take the time to consider the processes that could be improved

9 INITIATE PHASE define and validate initial requirements

10 Page 10 Define and validate initial req. to be performed checklist  business process models have been developed and validated  user interface prototype has been developed and validated (if appropriate)  technical requirements have been documented and validated  operation and support requirements have been documented and validated  requirements have been prioritized  requests of appropriate stakeholders have been considered  reusable artifacts have been identified  risk assessment document has been updated  decisions (both made and forgone) were documented into group memory  metrics have been collected

11 Page 11 Define and validate initial req. exit conditions checklist  requirement documents have been validated and accepted by the user community  requirement documents have been validated and accepted by the senior management  the scope of the project has been defined and accepted - definition of the functionality that will, and will not, be implemented

12 INITIATE PHASE define the initial management documents

13 Page 13 Define the initial mgmt documents entrance conditions checklist  the project infrastructure has been selected  the feasibility study has been at least started  the project objectives have been identified and agreed to  initial requirements have been defined

14 Page 14 Define the initial mgmt documents to be performed checklist  build-versus-buy decisions have been made  application release schedule has been defined or updated  project estimate has been developed and accepted  metric plan has been developed and accepted  project plan has been developed and accepted  assumptions and constraints have been documented  risk assessment has been started  test plan has been developed and accepted  reusable artifacts have been identified  risk assessment document has been updated  decisions (both made and forgone) were documented into group memory  metrics have been collected

15 Page 15 Define the initial mgmt documents exit conditions checklist  initial version of the project plan has been accepted by senior management  initial version of the project plan has been accepted by the development team  initial version of the risk assessment has been accepted by senior management


17 Page 17 Justify entrance conditions checklist  development of the requirements documents has begun  development of the project plan has begun  development of the risk assessment has begun  definition of the project infrastructure has begun  access to key users, technical experts, and financial experts has been obtained

18 Page 18 Justify to be performed checklist  implementation alternatives were identified and considered  economic feasibility of each alternative was determined  cost/benefit analysis was performed  technical feasibility of each alternative was determined  operational feasibility of each alternative was determined  alternatives were suggested to senior management for approval  risk assessment document has been update  decisions (both made and forgone) were documented into group memory  metrics have been collected

19 INITIATE PHASE define infrastructure

20 Page 20 Define infrastructure entrance conditions checklist  development of the initial requirements has begun  development of the project plan has begun  development of the feasibility study has begun  existing infrastructure is available

21 Page 21 Define infrastructure to be performed checklist  project team has been defined  skill assessment for each team member has been defined  required training for each member has been defined and performed  project skill matrix was developed  potential subcontractors have been contracted  project deliverables have been negotiated with senior management and agreed to  group memory has been organized  shared library of books etc. is available  reusable artifacts have been identified  risk assessment document has been updated  decisions (both made and forgone) were documented into group memory  metrics have been collected

22 Page 22 Define infrastructure exit conditions checklist  the team has been accepted by senior management  the tailored software process has been accepted by the team members  the tailored software process has been accepted by senior management  group memory has been initiated

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