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Human Behavior The first step towards Self-discovery

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1 Human Behavior The first step towards Self-discovery
CULTURE Human Behavior The first step towards Self-discovery

2 What is Self-Discovery?
Self-Discovery is the process of getting to know yourself as a person—the person within yourself. It is too difficult to understand and know other people if you are unaware of who you are as a person and what makes you the unique person you are.

3 So what is the first step……….
Self-discovery begins for a person when they ask the question: Why Am I Who I Am? Typically in adolescence, the quest for “identity” is a priority. By exploring our identity, we not only develop an understanding of ourselves, but we begin to understand others.

4 CULTURE…the first step
Culture is one of the biggest influences on a person. Our culture begins when we are born and continues to develop throughout our lifetime. It is an integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thoughts, communications, languages, practices, beliefs, values, customs, courtesies, rituals, manners of interacting and roles, relationships and expected behaviors of a racial, ethnic, religious or social group

5 It is IMPORTANT TO NOTE: We All Have Culture
Whether it is Ethnic Age-Group Sexual Orientation School Peers Hobbies Etc. What do you consider to be your “culture”? Can you think of a song or movie that depicts your culture?

6 What makes up culture? *has to do with values & beliefs
*involves customs & traditions *is collective (shared by a group of people) *everyone has one *is learned *influences & shapes behaviors (& attitudes) *transmitted from generation to generation *often unconscious (we aren’t aware of it) *people in all cultures have common needs

7 Let’s Define Culture (Based on the elements we just discussed!)
Culture is a system of beliefs, values, and assumptions about life that guide behavior and are shared by a group of people. It includes customs, language, and material artifacts. These are transmitted from generation to generation.

8 All Cultures Share (Similarities)
This is what makes culture “universal” Meet basic needs of its members Food Protection from nature (shelter, clothing) Transportation Communication/Language Family System & Reproduction Protection System (from others) Artistic Expression (music, dance, art, etc.) Belief System

9 All Cultures Share (Similarities)
This is what makes culture “universal” System of Order Method of settling differences Who has power/responsibility Leadership (King, Sultan, Chief, Prime Minister, etc.) Law-Making Procedure (who, how, when enforced)

10 All Cultures Share (Similarities)
This is what makes culture “universal” Teaches culture to younger generations and helps members pass through the life cycle Christening Puberty Life passage rituals Marriage Death How has your culture been taught to you? What special events does your culture celebrate to mark new places in your life cycle?

11 How Cultures are Unique
Styles Norms Attitudes Customs Daily Routines Patterns Values Gestures Etiquette/Protocol

12 Cultural Uniqueness Influenced by:
Location of ancestors (terrain, weather, etc.) Economic conditions Knowledge Art Technology Traditions History

13 Understanding YOUR Culture
In your group, I want you to identify ONE CULTURAL GROUP everyone in your group belongs to. What are 5 characteristics of that group? We will share in class, so select a “speaker” Next, complete the Everyone Has A Culture Worksheet on your OWN. This is due at the end of class

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