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Action Plan October 2011.

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1 Action Plan October 2011

2 Ms. Samina Javed The City School PAF Chapter Social Studies Grade 5 Topic: Weather and Climate

3 Long Term Goal To make students learn facts about weather and climate – applying 21st century techniques

4 Short Term Goals I will focus on: Reading of the topic
Class discussion Questioning Defining Creative thinking Comprehension Analyzing Project work

5 Instructional Strategies and Tasks
Introduction of the topic by defining climate and weather Reading and class discussion Activity sheets to observe their knowledge Project work to note their skills and creativity Questions to evaluate

6 Activity worksheets and technologies put in
Project work (Booklet) Draw pictures of four seasons List names of things for each season (paste pictures) Your Favorite Season Description Factors affecting climate Worksheet

7 Activity worksheets and technologies put in
World climate Worksheet Climate of Pakistan Map with the worksheet Pictures of climatic disasters Used as application of the topic

8 Problems Challenges Solutions
Some students will avoid reading the text Some may not submit the project work on time Solutions They will be provided time to read in the class Rewards and incentives will be assured to submit work on time

9 Time line Week 1 Weather and climate Project work on four seasons
Factors affecting the climate Week 3 World Climate Pakistan Climate Week 4 Reasons for the seasons

10 Resources Workbook Curriculum Internet (
Pictures from the websites ( Reference books People and places (Kingfisher Pub Ltd.)

11 Application of Blooms taxonomy
According to blooms taxonomy knowledge, skills and attitude will be observed through Worksheets Project work Group discussions

12 Conclusion By implementing the mentioned methodologies students will achieve the knowledge of facts and detail of the topic weather an climate

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