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Rüdiger Schmidt1 The LHC collider project I Rüdiger Schmidt - CERN SUSSP Sumer School St.Andrews Challenges LHC accelerator physics LHC technology Operation.

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Presentation on theme: "Rüdiger Schmidt1 The LHC collider project I Rüdiger Schmidt - CERN SUSSP Sumer School St.Andrews Challenges LHC accelerator physics LHC technology Operation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rüdiger Schmidt1 The LHC collider project I Rüdiger Schmidt - CERN SUSSP Sumer School St.Andrews Challenges LHC accelerator physics LHC technology Operation and protection

2 Rüdiger Schmidt2 Energy and Luminosity l Particle physics requires an accelerator colliding beams with a centre-of-mass energy substantially exceeding 1TeV l In order to observe rare events, the luminosity should be in the order of 10 34 [cm -1 s -2 ] (challenge for the LHC accelerator) l Event rate: l Assuming a total cross section of about 100 mbarn for pp collisions, the event rate for this luminosity is in the order of 10 9 events/second (challenge for the LHC experiments) l Nuclear and particle physics require heavy ion collisions in the LHC (quark-gluon plasma.... )

3 Rüdiger Schmidt3 10 9 events / second LHC Event

4 Rüdiger Schmidt4 CERN and the LHC

5 CERN is the leading European institute for particle physics It is close to Geneva across the French Swiss border There are 20 CERN member states, 5 observer states, and many other states participating in research LEP CMS

6 LEP: e+e- 104 GeV/c (1989-2000) Circumference 26.8 km LHC proton-proton Collider 7 TeV/c in the LEP tunnel Injection from SPS at 450 GeV/c ATLAS CMS Auberge Communale Cessy

7 Rüdiger Schmidt7 LHC: From first ideas to realisation 1982 : First studies for the LHC project 1983 : Z0 detected at SPS proton antiproton collider 1985 : Nobel Price for S. van der Meer and C. Rubbia 1989 : Start of LEP operation (Z-factory) 1994 : Approval of the LHC by the CERN Council 1996 : Final decision to start the LHC construction 1996 : LEP operation at 100 GeV (W-factory) 2000 : End of LEP operation 2002 : LEP equipment removed (second life for sc cavities ?) 2003 : Start of the LHC installation 2005 : Start of hardware commissioning 2007 : Commissioning with beam

8 Rüdiger Schmidt8 To make the LHC a reality: Accelerators physics and.... l Electromagnetism und Relativity l Thermodynamics l Mechanics l Quantum mechanics l Physics of nonlinear systems l Solid state physics und surface physics l Particle physics and radiation physics l Vacuum physics + Engineering Mechanical, Cryogenics, Electrical, Automation, Computing

9 l Accelerator Physics: An Introduction Why protons? Why in the LEP tunnel? Why superconducting magnets? Why “two” accelerators in one tunnel? l LHC Layout l The quest for high luminosity and the consequences l Beam-Beam interaction l Crossing angle and insertion layout l Wrapping up: LHC Parameters l The CERN accelerator complex: injectors and transfer l LHC technology l LHC operation and machine protection l Conclusions Outline

10 l Accelerator Physics: An Introduction Why protons? Why in the LEP tunnel? Why superconducting magnets? Why “two” accelerators in one tunnel? l LHC Layout l The quest for high luminosity and the consequences l Beam-Beam interaction l Crossing angle and insertion layout l Wrapping up: LHC Parameters l The CERN accelerator complex: injectors and transfer l LHC technology l LHC Operation and machine protection l Conclusions Outline

11 Rüdiger Schmidt11 Lorentz Force The force on a charged particle is proportional to the charge, and to the vector product of velocity and magnetic field: For an electron or proton the charge is: Acceleration (increase of energy) only by electrical fields – not by magnetic fields:

12 Rüdiger Schmidt12 Acceleration Acceleration of a particle by an electrical potential Energy gain given by the potential l For an acceleration to 7 TeV a voltage of 7 TV is required l The maximum electrical field in an accelerator is in the order of some 10 MV/m (superconducting RF cavities) l To accelerate to 7 TeV would require a linear accelerator with a length of about 350 km (assuming 20 MV/m)

13 Rüdiger Schmidt13 Acceleration in a cavity U = 1000000 V d = 1 m q = e 0  E = 1 MeV +-+

14 Rüdiger Schmidt14 RF cavity g 2a z LHC frequency 400 MHz orthogonal

15 Rüdiger Schmidt15 RF systems: 400 MHz and possibly 200 MHz 400 MHz system: all 16 sc cavities (copper sputtered with niobium) for 16 MV/beam were built and assembled in four modules Power test of the first module 200 MHz warm system: if rquired, decision for implementation to be taken later - to ease the injection process

16 Rüdiger Schmidt16 How to get to 7 TeV: Synchrotron – circular accelerator and many passages in RF cavities LINAC (planned for several hundred GeV - but not above 1 TeV) LHC circular machine with energy gain per turn some MeV

17 Rüdiger Schmidt17 Deflection by magnetic fields For a charged particle moving perpendicular to the magnetic field the force is given by: z x s v B F The particle moves on a circle

18 Deflection by magnetic fields

19 Radius Lorenz Force = accelerating force Particle trajectory Radiation field charged particle Figure from K.Wille Energy loss for charged particles by synchrotron radiation

20 Rüdiger Schmidt20 Energy loss for charged particles electrons / protons in LEP tunnel

21 Rüdiger Schmidt21...just assuming to accelerate electrons to 7 TeV...better to accelerate protons

22 l Accelerator Physics: An Introduction Why protons? Why in the LEP tunnel? Why superconducting magnets? Why “two” accelerators in one tunnel? l LHC Layout l The quest for high luminosity and the consequences l Beam-Beam interaction l Crossing angle and insertion layout l The CERN accelerator complex: injectors and transfer l Wrapping up: LHC Parameters l LHC technology l LHC operation and machine protection l Conclusions Outline

23 Rüdiger Schmidt23 LHC: eight arcs (approximatley circular) and eight long straight section (about 700 m long) Momentum Cleaning Betatron Cleaning Beam dump system RF + Beam instrumentation CMS ATLAS LHC-B ALICE

24 Rüdiger Schmidt24 Layout of the LHC ring: 8 arcs, and 8 long straight sections Momentum Cleaning Betatron Cleaning Beam dump system RF + Beam instrumentation One sector = 1/8 Injection

25 Rüdiger Schmidt25 Beam transport Need for getting protons on a circle: dipole magnets Need for focusing the beams: l Particles with different injection parameters (angle, position) separate with time Assuming an angle difference of 10 -6 rad, two particles would separate by 1 m after 10 6 m. At the LHC, with a length of 26860 m, this would be the case after 50 turns (5 ms !) l Particles would „drop“ due to gravitation l The beam size must be well controlled At the collision point the beam size must be tiny l Particles with (slightly) different energies should stay together

26 Rüdiger Schmidt26 Focusing using lenses as for light f1f1 z x z x Quadrupolemagnet – B-field zero in centre, linear increase (as a lense) Dipolemagnet – B-field in aperture constant

27 Rüdiger Schmidt27 Assuming proton runs along s into the screen, perpendicular to x and z z x x z s z s x Side view focusing Looking along proton trajectory Top view defocusing From Maxwell equations:

28 Rüdiger Schmidt28 Focusing of a system of two lenses for both planes d = 50 m horizontal plane vertical plane To focuse the beams in both planes, a succession of focusing and defocusing quadrupole magnets is required: FODO structure

29 Rüdiger Schmidt29 The LHC arcs: FODO cells u Dipole- und Quadrupol magnets –Particle trajectory stable for particles with nominal momentum u Sextupole magnets –To correct the trajectories for off momentum particles –Particle trajectories stable for small amplitudes (about 10 mm) u Multipole-corrector magnets –Sextupole - and decapole corrector magnets at end of dipoles –Particle trajectories can become instable after many turns (even after, say, 10 6 turns)

30 Rüdiger Schmidt30 Particle stability and supraconducting magnets - Quadrupolar- and multipolar fields Particle oscillations in quadrupole field (small amplitude) Harmonic oscillation after coordinate transformation Circular movement in phase space Particle oscillation assuming non-linear fields, large amplitude Amplitude grows until particle is lost (touches aperture) No circular movement in phasespace

31 Rüdiger Schmidt31 Dynamic aperture and magnet imperfections l Particles with small amplitudes are in general stable l Particles with large amplitudes are not stable l The dynamic aperture is the limit of the stability region l The dynamic aperture depends on field error - without any field errors, the dynamic aperture would be large l The magnets should be made such as the dynamic aperture is not too small (say, 10  the amplitude of a one sigma particle, assuming Gaussian distribution) l The dynamic aperture depends also on the working point and on the sextupole magnets for correction of chromatic effects

32 l Accelerator Physics: An Introduction Why protons? Why in the LEP tunnel? Why superconducting magnets? Why “two” accelerators in one tunnel? l LHC Layout l The quest for high luminosity and the consequences l Beam-Beam interaction l Crossing angle and insertion layout l Wrapping up: LHC Parameters l The CERN accelerator complex: injectors and transfer l LHC technology l LHC operation and machine protection l Conclusions Outline

33 Rüdiger Schmidt33 High luminosity by colliding trains of bunches Number of „New Particles“ per unit of time: The objective for the LHC as proton – proton collider is a luminosity of about 10 34 [cm -1 s -2 ] LEP (e+e-) : 3-4 10 31 [cm -1 s -2 ] Tevatron (p-pbar) : 3 10 31 [cm -1 s -2 ] B-Factories: 10 34 [cm -1 s -2 ] 40 m in straight section IP

34 Rüdiger Schmidt34 Luminosity parameters What happens with one particle experiencing the force of the em-fields or 10 11 protons in the other beam during the collision ?

35 l Accelerator Physics: An Introduction Why protons? Why in the LEP tunnel? Why superconducting magnets? Why “two” accelerators in one tunnel? l LHC Layout l The quest for high luminosity and the consequences l Beam-Beam interaction l Crossing angle and insertion layout l Wrapping up: LHC Parameters l The CERN accelerator complex: injectors and transfer l LHC technology l LHC operation and machine protection l Conclusions Outline

36 Rüdiger Schmidt36 Limitation: beam-beam interaction

37 Rüdiger Schmidt37 Electromagnetic force on a particle in the counterrotating beam Bunch intensity limited due to this strong non- linearity to about N = 10 11 Optimising luminosity by increasing N

38 Rüdiger Schmidt38 Beam beam interaction determines parameters Beam size 16  m, for  = 0.5 m f = 11246 Hz Beam size given by injectors and by space in vacuum chamber Number of protons per bunch limited to about 10 11 L = N 2 f n b / 4   x  y = 3.5 10 30 [cm -2 s -1 ] with one bunch with 2808 bunches (every 25 ns one bunch) L = 10 34 [cm -2 s -1 ]

39 Rüdiger Schmidt39 Large number of bunches N = 10 11 2808 bunches - spacing of about 25 ns Minimum beam size at IP of 16  m

40 l Accelerator Physics: An Introduction Why protons? Why in the LEP tunnel? Why superconducting magnets? Why “two” accelerators in one tunnel? l LHC Layout l The quest for high luminosity and the consequences l Beam-Beam interaction l Crossing angle and insertion layout l Wrapping up: LHC Parameters l The CERN accelerator complex: injectors and transfer l LHC technology l LHC operation and machine protection l Conclusions Outline

41 Rüdiger Schmidt41 Large number of bunches IP Bunch structure with 25 ns spacing Experiments: more than 1 event / collision, but should not exceed a number in the order of 10-20 Vacuum system: photo electrons

42 Rüdiger Schmidt42 Large number of bunches IP l Crossing angle to avoid long range beam beam interaction l Interaction Region quadrupoles with gradient of 250 T/m and 70 mm aperture

43 Rüdiger Schmidt43 u Focusing quadrupole for beam 1, defocusing for beam 2 u High gradient quadrupole magnets with large aperture (US-JAPAN)  Total crossing angle of 300  rad  Beam size at IP 16  m, in arcs about 1 mm Crossing angle for multibunch operation

44 Rüdiger Schmidt44 Layout of insertion for ATLAS and CMS

45 l Accelerator Physics: An Introduction Why protons? Why in the LEP tunnel? Why superconducting magnets? Why “two” accelerators in one tunnel? l LHC Layout l The quest for high luminosity and the consequences l Beam-Beam interaction l Crossing angle and insertion layout l The CERN accelerator complex: injectors and transfer l Wrapping up: LHC Parameters l LHC technology l LHC operation and machine protection l Conclusions Outline

46 Rüdiger Schmidt46 Very high beam current Many bunches and high energy - Energy in one beam about 330 MJ l Dumping the beam in a safe way l Beam induced quenches (when 10 -7 of beam hits magnet at 7 TeV) l Beam stability and magnet field quality l Beam cleaning (Betatron and momentum cleaning) l Synchrotron radiation - power to cryogenic system l Radiation, in particular in experimental areas from beam collisions (beam lifetime is dominated by this effect) l Photo electrons - accelerated by the following bunches

47 Rüdiger Schmidt47 Challenges: Energy stored in the beam courtesy R.Assmann Momentum [GeV/c] Energy stored in the beam [MJ] Transverse energy density: even a factor of 1000 larger x 200 x 10000 One beam, nominal intensity (corresponds to an energy that melts 500 kg of copper)

48 Momentum at collision 7 TeV/c Momentum at injection 450 GeV/c Dipole field at 7 TeV 8.33 Tesla Circumference26658m Luminosity 10 34 cm -2 s -1 Number of bunches 2808 Particles per bunch 1.1  10 11 DC beam current 0.56 A Stored energy per beam 350 MJ Normalised emittance3.75 µm Beam size at IP / 7 TeV15.9µm Beam size in arcs (rms)300µm Arcs: Counter-rotating proton beams in two- in-one magnets Magnet coil inner diameter 56 mm Distance between beams 194 mm High beam energy in LEP tunnel superconducting NbTi magnets at 1.9 K High luminosity at 7 TeV very high energy stored in the beam beam power concentrated in small area Limited investment small aperture for beams

49 Rüdiger Schmidt49 summarising the constraints…. Centre-of-mass energy must well exceed 1 TeV, LHC installed into LEP tunnel: l Colliding protons (and heavy ions) l Magnetic field of 8.3 T with superconducting magnets Luminosity of 10 34 : l Need for “two accelerators” in one tunnel with beam parameters pushed to the extreme – with opposite magnetic field Economical constraints and limited space: l Two-in-one superconducting magnets

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