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Food Chemistry Testing Liquids and Foods for Fats.

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2 Food Chemistry Testing Liquids and Foods for Fats

3  FAT  Insulates us from the cold (keeps us warm)  Cushions us from bruises and injuries  Gives us energy  Per pound, fats give 2x’s as much energy as carbohydrates (sugars & starches)

4 Testing Liquids and Foods for Fats  Three kinds of fats:  SATURATED - Not as good for you. Examples: Butter, Eggs, Ice Cream  May raise the level of bad cholesterol in your blood. Could cause clogged arteries and heart disease (LDL).

5 Testing Liquids and Foods for Fats  Three kinds of fats:  UNSATURATED - Not as bad for you. Examples: Liquids like cooking oils  Less harmful to your health.  Considered “good fat”.  May help lower your blood cholesterol (HDL).

6 Testing Liquids and Foods for Fats  Three kinds of fats:  TRANS FAT - Created by adding hydrogen bonds to unsaturated liquid fats. Allows them to last longer. Mostly man-made.  Examples: Shortening, hard stick margarine, cookies, crackers, and snack foods made with partially hydrogenated oil.  Harmful to your health.  Raises your bad cholesterol levels (LDL)

7 Testing Liquids and Foods for Fats  Brown Paper Bag Strips - The indicator used to show that fat is in a liquid or food.  What do you look for?

8 Testing Liquids and Foods for Fats  The brown paper bag strip shows a greasy stain = positive test. It does contain fat.  The darker the stain, the greater the amount of fat.  The brown paper bag strip doesn’t show greasy stain = negative test. It does not contain fat.

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