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Presentation on theme: "NANIK DWI NURHAYATI,S.SI,M.SI"— Presentation transcript:


2 Nuclear reactor is where the chain reaction under control, fission or fusion. Types and functions of nuclear reactors depends on the objectives of the reaction products, such 1. for nuclear power plants, 2. production of radionuclides, 3. neutron radiography, 4. neutron activation analysis and 5. experiments with neutron scattering. Function of fission reactors can be divided into two, namely research reactors and power reactors.

3 Function of fission reactors can be divided into two :
research reactors and power reactors. Based on the reaction, the reactor can be divided into: Chemical reactors, If that happens in it is a chemical reaction. For example, the reactor at fertilizer plants, paper mills, etc Reactor fuel (furnace) If the process that happens in it is a combustion reaction. For example, reactors or furnaces at steel mills metal crafters. Nuclear reactor If the process that happens in it is a nuclear reaction.

4 Nuclear Reactors The first nuclear reactor was built by Enrico Fermi in 1942 at the University of Chicago. Nuclear reactor is a device to control the fission chain reaction and at the same time sustaining it. Nuclear reactors designated as "a tool that uses nuclear materials as fuel". Fissile material used as fuel such as uranium, plutonium, etc. In general, site of the nuclear reactor is a controlled nuclear reaction. To control the operation and stop use neutron absorbing material called "control rods".


6 Classification nuclear reactor
Usability : 1. power reactors 2. Research reactors, including testing and training materials. 3. Isotope production reactors. This reactor is sometimes classified also into research reactor. Energy neutrons reaction : 1. Fast reactors: GCFBR, Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR), SCFBR. 2. Thermal reactors: PWR, BWR, PHWR, GCR.

7 Based on other parameters can be called: 1
Based on other parameters can be called: 1. Berreflektor graphite reactor: Gas Cooled Reactor (GCR), AGCR. 2. Light water cooled reactors: PWR, BWR. 3. High temperature reactors: HTGR There are many names or other reactor type

8 Nuclear Reactor Components,
Nuclear reactor components, among others: 1. Nuclear fuel / material can be sectioned 2. moderator material 3. reactor coolant 4. control rods reactor 5. detector device 6. Reflector, to control the rate of fission. 7. Reactor vessel and the shield device. 8. Heat exchanger device. No component. 1 s / d 6 are at a location called "Reactor core", which is a place where the chain reaction takes place


10 Nuclear Fuel There are two types of nuclear fuel, a. Fissile materials Example: 92U233, 92U235, 94Pu239, 94Pu241 b. Fertil materials Example: 90Th232, 92U238

11 Moderator In a fission reaction, neutrons can cause fission reactions is the thermal neutrons. Thermal neutrons have an energy of about eV at a temperature of 27oC, while neutrons are born from fission reactions have average energy 2 MeV, which is very much larger than the thermal energy.

12 Reactor coolant Reactor coolant serves as a means of making fission heat from the fuel elements to be moved / removed to another place / environment through the heat exchanger. Example: H2O, D2O, Na liquid, gas etc. He.

13 control rods reactor Control rods serve as controller of the operation so that the rate of fission reactors / neutron population in the reactor core can be adjusted according to the desired operating conditions. Moreover, it also serves to quench the reactor / stop the cleavage reaction.

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