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1 KENTUCKY ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT 2015-16 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD (TAR) PART I Click here to download the Administration Guide (Required for completion.

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Presentation on theme: "1 KENTUCKY ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT 2015-16 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD (TAR) PART I Click here to download the Administration Guide (Required for completion."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 KENTUCKY ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT 2015-16 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD (TAR) PART I Click here to download the Administration Guide (Required for completion of this training) TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD TRAINING 2015-16/OAA/DSR/KO

2 NEW THIS YEAR TAR no longer administered at grades 8 or 10. Science items will align to the Alternate K-PREP aligned to the Kentucky Academic Standards for science. 2 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD TRAINING 2015-16/OAA/DSR/KO

3 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD (TAR) The TAR: Is in a rating scale format, Assesses specified standards, Is scored by the educational team, and Contains student interview. 3 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD TRAINING 2015-16/OAA/DSR/KO

4 PARTICIPATION GUIDELINES – PG. 3 Participation is an IEP decision. There is one set of participation guidelines for both the Attainment Tasks and Transition Attainment Record. The participation guidelines are located in Alternate K-PREP Forms on the Alternate K- PREP web-page. 4 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD TRAINING 2015-16/OAA/DSR/KO

5 GRADE LEVEL REQUIREMENTS – PG. 3 Administered at grade 11 (may be given at grades 12 and 14 for anyone not meeting reading and mathematics benchmarks). Assesses items linked to grade level content standards in reading, mathematics and science. Mirrors the ACT. 5 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD TRAINING 2015-16/OAA/DSR/KO

6 TAR AT GRADE 12 Repeat the grade 11 TAR. Available for grade 12 Students who did not meet benchmark in Reading or Mathematics (in grade 11): Reading- 19 Mathematics-16 No science assessment required at grade 12. DAC, DoSE or district level administrator must contact Kevin O’Hair and ask to have the TAR given at grade 12 opened for score entry. REMINDER: TAR meets College Career Readiness (CCR) (alternate readiness) requirements for Alternate Assessment students. 6 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD TRAINING 2015-16/OAA/DSR/KO

7 TAR AT GRADE 14 Only available for students who have not had a graduation code applied at the end of grade 12 Repeat the grade 11 TAR Available for grade 14 students who did not meet benchmark in Reading or Mathematics (at grade 11 or 12) Reading- 19 Mathematics-16 No science assessment required at grade 14 7 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD TRAINING 2015-16/OAA/DSR/KO

8 TAR AT GRADE 14 (CONTINUED) Since grade 14 students are not pulled through Infinite Campus, any student you wish to provide the TAR to at grade 14 must be registered in the Student Registration Database by the DAC, DoSE or someone with district level access. DAC, DoSE or district level administrator must contact Kevin O’Hair and ask to have the grade 14 TAR opened for score entry REMINDER: TAR meets CCR (alternate readiness) requirements for Alternate Assessment students. 8 TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD TRAINING 2015-16/OAA/DSR/KO

9 TEST SECURITY OK Know the concepts and teach those concepts. Review TAR and complete until May 27, 2016. File any notes from the TAR administration in the AAAF. Not OK Reproduce test materials. Share test items with anyone not involved in administration of the test without permission. Use test items to prepare students for the assessment. 9 The TAR is considered secure testing material Click here to continue to Part II TRANSITION ATTAINMENT RECORD TRAINING 2015-16/OAA/DSR/KO

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