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What is a good application? Where does application start?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a good application? Where does application start?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a good application? Where does application start?

2 Does doing precede being, or being precede doing? Does who we are determine what we do, or does what we do determine who we are? Is a person a thief because he steals, or does he steal because he is a thief? Do you wear a skirt and so you are a girl, or are you a girl so you wear a skirt? (unless you are Scottish ) Think about what you want to be in life. Let’s say are a lawyer. Are you a lawyer because you went to law school, or did you go t law school because you wanted to be a lawyer?

3 The point is, our actions come from our sense of The point is, our actions come from our sense of identity, not the other way around. The connection between our identity and our actions is an aspect of how we are designed. Who we are determines what we do. Adopting a Throw-Away-Kid from Brazil

4 Position versus Practice Suppose you are on a basketball team and you are a guard (position). (position). You could decide to post-up underneath. You would still be a guard, but you wouldn’t be playing your position rightly (practice). (practice). You could even decide to sit on the bench and tell players what to do, but you would still be a guard. The more a guard learns his position position and lives it out practically (practice), (practice), the better he’ll be and the more good he’ll do for his team.

5 More important than studying a passage and coming up with an application to do something, is to learn more about who you are or who God is. And don’t we always say… “Christianity is a relationship, not a religion.”

6 Of all the things about right and wrong that you will know by the time you die, what percentage do you know now? (What (as a percentage) do your parents know about right and wrong that you don’t know?) Our struggle in the Christian life is not knowing right from wrong, but knowing God and self and living rightly.

7 What is a good application? Where does application start? Knowing God (not just about Him). Who He Is; What He Has Done; Who he made us (who we are); What He expects…

8 Are we saved or will we be saved? Are we justified or will we be justified? Are we forgiven or will we be forgiven? Are we glorified or will we be glorified? Both are true. God has called us to live out practically what we are declared to be (legally in Christ).

9 Who we are determines what we do. So - work hard at knowing who you are and who God is first. And this is really what studying God’s Word is about. Don’t focus so much on doing, but focus on God’s character (being) and who you are (being)

10 I hope these slides help you in some way (feel free to delete this slide). Feel free to contact me for any reason. I have some handouts and extra info for some of the slides that I did not include. There are also a few notes at the bottom of some slides, but not as much as I should have. If you have some great ideas or help or criticisms, or just want to talk, give me a call or shoot me an email. (515) 448-5414

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