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LG: I am learning how to analyze data in order to predict changes on the Earth’s surface. The purpose of this is to understand why we have earthquakes,

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Presentation on theme: "LG: I am learning how to analyze data in order to predict changes on the Earth’s surface. The purpose of this is to understand why we have earthquakes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 LG: I am learning how to analyze data in order to predict changes on the Earth’s surface. The purpose of this is to understand why we have earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mid-ocean ridges and mountains. Today I am learning how heat transfer plays a role in the movement of matter.



4 Exit Ticket Reflection After analyzing the depth of layers foldable, describe what your biggest realization was about the depth of the Earth layers that you had today. Support your answer with evidence from your foldable. Language Goal: Mantel, Continental crust, Oceanic crust, crust, pressure, temperature, depth, core, inner core, outer core, observations, inference, direct, indirect Success Criteria Makes a claim (realization) about layers Uses data (measurements) from foldable to support Uses at least 3 language goal words

5 Warm-up Cut out your vocabulary cards. Organize your cards into 2 piles. Words you know words you don’t know. Language Goal Mantle, Crust, Core, Lithosphere, Asthenosphere,, temperature, pressure, indirect, direct, evidence, oceanic crust, continental crust

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