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Recent Advances in Differential Evolution Yong Wang Lecturer, Ph.D. School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University

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Presentation on theme: "Recent Advances in Differential Evolution Yong Wang Lecturer, Ph.D. School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent Advances in Differential Evolution Yong Wang Lecturer, Ph.D. School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University

2 2 Outline of My Talk  Introduction to Differential Evolution  The State-of-the-Art of Differential Evolution  Composite Differential Evolution  Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution  Conclusion

3 3 Evolutionary Algorithms What are evolutionary algorithms (EAs)? EAs are intelligent optimization and search techniques inspired by nature Why evolutionary algorithms (EAs)? The framework of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) Is it the optimal solution? The optimal solution! x f(x)f(x) Population Parent Set Selection the first individual the second individual the NPth individual New Solutions Crossover Mutation Replacement x y f(x,y)

4 4 Differential Evolution (1/2) Differential evolution (DE), proposed by Storn and Price in 1995, is one of the main branches of evolutionary algorithms (EAs). DE includes three main operators, i.e., mutation operator, crossover operator, and selection operator. Currently, DE has been successfully used in various fields.

5 5 Differential Evolution (2/2) The algorithmic framework of DE Remark: mutation + crossover = trial vector generation strategy the target vectors

6 6 The Mutation Operators rand/1 rand/2 best/1 best/2 current-to-best/1 current-to-rand/1 Remark: r1, r2, r3, r4, and r5 are different indexes uniformly randomly selected from, is the best individuals in the current population. the base vector the difference vector the fashion the base vector has been selected the number of the difference vector the scaling factor The scaling factor F plays a very important role in mutation.

7 7 The Characteristics of the Mutation Operators (1/3) rand/1 Characteristics rand/1 is the most commonly used mutation operator in the literature. All vectors for mutation are selected from the population at random and, consequently, it has no bias to any special search directions and chooses new search directions in a random manner. It usually demonstrates slow convergence speed and bears stronger exploration capability.

8 8 The Characteristics of the Mutation Operators (2/3) rand/2 Characteristics In rand/2, two difference vectors are added to the base vector, which might lead to better perturbation than the strategies with only one difference vector. It can generate more different trial vectors than the rand/1 mutation operator with respect to the same population. When using rand/2, the diversity of the population can be kept, however, it has a side effect on the convergence speed of DE.

9 9 The Characteristics of the Mutation Operators (3/3) best/1 best/2 current-to-best/1 Characteristics best/1, best/2 and current-to-best/1 usually have the fast convergence speed and perform well when solving unimodal problems. They are easier to get stuck at a local optimum and thereby lead to a premature convergence when solving multimodal problems. The best/1 is a degenerated case of the current-to-best/1 with the first scaling factor F being equal to 1.

10 10 The Crossover Operators (1/2) Binomial crossover mix the mutant vector the trial vector the target vector rand 1 ≤CR rand 1 >CR rand 2 >CR rand 2 ≤CR is always different from

11 11 mix The Crossover Operators (2/2) Exponential crossover the trial vector the mutant vector the target vector Pr(r ≥ v)= CR v-1 The crossover control parameter CR plays a very important role in crossover.

12 12 The Characteristics of the Crossover Operators Characteristics Binomial crossover is similar to discrete crossover in genetic algorithm. Exponential crossover is functionally equivalent to two-point crossover in genetic algorithm. Exponential crossover has the capability in maintaining the linkage among variables and the building block. Binomial crossover may destroy building block.

13 13 DE Variations By combining different mutation operators and different crossover operators, we can obtain different DE variants. DE/x/y/z DE: differential evolution x: the fashion the base vector has been selected y: the number of the difference vector z: the type of the crossover operator; “bin” represents the binomial crossover and “exp” represents the exponential crossover DE/rand/1/bin, DE/rand/1/exp, DE/rand/2/bin, …

14 14 The Illustrative Graph of DE/rand/1/bin the triangle denotes the trial vector

15 15 On Rotation Invariance (1/3) Why the rotation invariance is very important for optimization algorithms We have no a prior knowledge about the topology structure of the optimization problems

16 16 On Rotation Invariance (2/3) In DE, the crossover control parameter CR controls the rotation invariance to a certain degree CR=0.0 CR=0.5 CR=1.0 S. Das, and P. N. Suganthan. Differential evolution: A survey of the state-of-the-art. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 4-31, 2011.

17 17 On Rotation Invariance (3/3) current-to-rand/1 is a rotation-invariant strategy rand/1 arithmetic crossover Remark: current-to-rand/1 can be considered as rand/1 + arithmetic crossover, in which the crossover control parameter CR is unnecessary arithmetic crossover binomial crossover/ exponential crossover

18 18 Outline of My Talk  Introduction to Differential Evolution  The State-of-the-Art of Differential Evolution  Composite Differential Evolution  Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution  Conclusion

19 19 The Current Research Directions of DE The DE performance mainly depends on two components trial vector generation strategy (i.e., the mutation and crossover operators) control parameters (i.e., the population size NP, the scaling factor F, and the crossover control parameter CR ). Much effort has been made to improve the performance of DE Introduction of new trial vector generation strategy for generating new solutions Tuning the control parameters (static/deterministic, dynamic/adaptive, and self-adaptive) Hybridization of DE with other operators or methods Use of multiple populations (distributed DE)

20 20 Six Representative DE jDE (self-adaptive parameters in DE, IEEE TEC, 2006, 10(6)) DEahcSPX (DE with adaptive hill-climbing and simplex crossover, IEEE TEC, 2008, 12(1)) SaDE (DE with strategy adaptation, IEEE TEC, 2009, 13(2)) JADE (adaptive DE with optional external archive IEEE TEC, 2009, 13(5)) DEGL (DE using a neighborhood-based mutation operator, IEEE TEC, 2009, 13(3)) ODE (opposition-based DE, IEEE TEC, 2008, 12(1))

21 21 jDE Main motivation How to self-adaptively adjust the scaling factor F and the crossover control parameters CR of DE Main idea F and CR are applied at individual level ………

22 22 DEahcSPX (1/2) Main motivation Incorporating local search (LS) heuristics is often very useful in designing an effective evolutionary algorithm for global optimization. Main challenges of XLS the length of the XLS the selection of individuals which undergo the XLS the choice of the other parents which participate in the crossover operation whether deterministic or stochastic application of XLS should be used Crossover-based LS (XLS) Local improvement process (LIP) oriented LS

23 23 DEahcSPX (2/2) Main techniques At each generation, firstly, the best individual with other n p individuals randomly chosen from the population are selected to participate in the simplex crossover (SPX). One offspring is produced and if the offspring is better than the best individual, then it will be used to replace the best individual. Afterward, DE is implemented. adaptive hill- climbing (ahc)

24 24 SaDE (1/4) Main motivation At different stages of evolution, different trial vector generation strategies coupled with different control parameter settings may be required in order to achieve the best performance. Main idea Adaptively adjust the trial vector generation strategies and the control parameters simultaneously by learning from their previous experiences.

25 25 SaDE (2/4) How to adapt the trial vector generation strategy Use four trial vector generation strategies to construct the strategy candidate pool

26 26 SaDE (3/4) How to adapt the trial vector generation strategy For each trial vector generation strategy at generation G, SaDE records: n k,G : the number of the trial vectors generated by the k th strategy ns k,G : the number of the trial vectors generated by the k th strategy which can enter the next generation During the first LP generations, each trial vector generation strategy is chose with the same probability. When the generation number G is larger than LP, the probability, p k,G, of using control parameter setting k is calculated as follows: and avoid all the success rates being equal to zero

27 27 SaDE (4/4) How to adapt F and CR the parameter F is approximated by a normal distribution with mean value 0.5 and standard deviation 0.3, denoted by N(0.5,0.3). CR obeys a normal distribution with mean value CRm and standard deviation Std = 0.1, denoted by N ( CRm, Std ) where CRm is initialized as 0.5. CRMemory k is used to store those values with respect to the k th strategy that have generated trial vectors successfully entering the next generation within the previous LP generations. During the first LP generations, CR values with respect to k th strategy are generated by N ( 0.5, 0.1 ). At each generation after LP generations, the median value stored in CRMemory k will be calculated to overwrite CRm k. Then, CR values can be generated according to N(CRm k,0.1) when applying the k th strategy.

28 28 How to exploit the advantages and overcome the disadvantages of the current-to-best/1 and how to adapt F and CR during the evolution JADE (1/4) Main motivation The current-to-best/1 benefit from its fast convergence by incorporating best solution information in the evolutionary search. However, the best solution information may also cause problems such as premature convergence due to the resultant reduced population diversity. A well-designed parameter adaptation scheme is usually beneficial to enhance the robustness of an algorithm.

29 29 JADE (2/4) A new mutation operator: current-to-pbest/1 The characteristics of current-to-pbest/1 Any of the top 100p% solutions can be randomly chosen to play the role of the single best solution in DE/current- to-best. Recently explored inferior solutions, when compared to the current population, provide additional information about the promising progress direction. Denote A as the set of archived inferior solutions and P as the current population. is randomly chosen from the union.

30 30 JADE (3/4) How to adapt CR The mean is initialized to be 0.5 and then updated at the end of each generation as: where c is a positive constant between 0 and 1, S CR is the set of all successful crossover probabilities CR i at generation G. and mean A (·) is the usual arithmetic mean.

31 31 JADE (4/4) How to adapt F The location parameter of the Cauchy distribution is initialized to be 0.5 and then updated at the end of each generation as where S F is the set of all successful mutation factors in generation G and mean L ( · ) is the Lehmer mean

32 32 How to balance the exploration and exploitation in the current-to-best/1 DEGL (1/3) Main motivation A proper tradeoff between exploration and exploitation is necessary for the efficiency and effectiveness of a population-based stochastic search method. The current-to-best/1 of DE favors exploitation only, since all the vectors are attracted by the same best position found so far by the entire population. As a result of such exploitative tendency, in many cases, the population of DE may lose its global exploration abilities within a relatively small number of generations.

33 33 DEGL (2/3) Main idea Remark: w controls the balance between the exploration and exploitation global mutation model local neighborhood model how to define the neighborhood

34 34 DEGL (3/3) How to set the parameter w increasing weight factor linear increment exponential increment random weight factor self-adaptive weight factor the weight factor associated with the best individual of the population

35 35 ODE (1/3) Main motivation All population-based optimization algorithms, no exception for DE, suffer from long computational times because of their evolutionary/stochastic nature. In the absence of a priori information about the solution, we usually start with random guesses. The computation time, is related to the distance of these initial guesses from the optimal solution. Main idea By using the current solution and its opposite solution, the convergence speed of DE can be enhanced (opposition- based learning). a b the optimal solution the current solution the opposite solution (a+b)/2

36 36 ODE (2/3) Basic definitions of opposition-based learning Opposite number: Let be a real number. The opposite number is defined as. Opposite solution: Let be a solution in D - dimensional space, where and. The opposite point is completely defined by its components. Opposition-Based Comparison: Let be a solution in D -dimensional space and its objective function value. According to the definition of the opposite solution, is the opposite solution of. If, then can be replaced with.

37 37 ODE (3/3) Opposition-based population initialization Opposition-based generation jumping

38 38 Outline of My Talk  Introduction to Differential Evolution  The State-of-the-Art of Differential Evolution  Composite Differential Evolution  Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution  Conclusion

39 39 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) Motivation During the last decade, DE researchers have suggested many empirical guidelines for choosing trial vector generation strategies and control parameter settings. some trial vector generation strategies are suitable for the global search and some others are useful for rotated problems some control parameter settings can speed up the convergence and some other settings are effective for separable functions However, these experiences have not yet systematically exploited in DE algorithm design. whether the performance of DE can be improved by combining several effective trial vector generation strategies with some suitable control parameter settings

40 40 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) Main idea strategy candidate poolparameter candidate pool Y. Wang, Z. Cai, and Q. Zhang, “Differential evolution with composite trial vector generation strategies and control parameters.” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 55-66, 2011. DE/rand/1/bin DE/rand/2/bin DE/current-to-rand/1 F=1.0, CR=0.1 F=0.8, CR=0.2 F=1.0, CR=0.9

41 41 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) In general, we expect that the chosen trial vector generation strategies and control parameter settings show distinct advantages. Thus, they can be effectively combined to solve different kinds of problems.

42 42 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) Basic properties of the strategy candidate pool DE/rand/1/bin has stronger global exploration ability, and it is effective when solving multimodal problems. DE/rand/2/bin may lead to better permutation than DE/rand/1/bin, since the former uses two difference vectors. DE/current-to-rand/1 is rotation-invariant and suitable for rotated problems.

43 43 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) Basic properties of the parameter candidate pool A large value of F can make the mutant vectors distribute widely in the search space and can increase the population diversity. A low value of F makes the search focus on neighborhoods of the current solutions, and thus it can speed up the convergence. A large value of CR can make the trial vector very different from the target vector. Therefore, the diversity of the offspring population can be encouraged. A small value of CR is very suitable for separable problems, since in this case the trial vector may be different from the target vector by only one parameter and, as a result, each parameter is optimized independently.

44 44 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) Basic properties of the parameter candidate pool When combined with the three strategies, [ F = 1.0, CR = 0.1 ] is for dealing with separable problems. [ F = 1.0, CR = 0.9 ] is mainly to maintain the population diversity and to make the three strategies powerful in global exploration. [ F = 0.8, CR = 0.2 ] encourages the exploitation of the three strategies in the search space and thus accelerates the convergence speed of the population. Conclusion: the selected strategies and parameter settings exhibit distinct advantages and, therefore, they can complement one another for solving optimization problems of different characteristics.

45 45 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) The main framework target vector the first trial vector the third trial vector the second trial vector the best trial vector combining each trial vector generation strategies with one control parameter setting randomly selected comparison

46 46 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) The experimental results 25 test functions proposed in the IEEE CEC2005 were used to study the performance of the proposed CoDE unimodal functions F 1 –F 5 basic multimodal functions F 6 –F 12 expanded multimodal functions F 13 –F 14 hybrid composition functions F 15 –F 25 The average and standard deviation of the function error value were recorded for measuring the performance of each algorithm For each test function, 25 independent runs were conducted with 300,000 function evaluations (FES) as the termination criterion Wilcoxon’s rank sum test at a 0.05 significance level was conducted on the experimental results the best solution found by the algorithm in a run the global optimum of the test function

47 47 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) The experimental results Comparison with four state-of-the-art DE “ - ”, “ + ”, and “≈” denote that the performance of the corresponding algorithm is worse than, better than, and similar to that of CoDE, respectively. Overall, CoDE is better than the four competitors. basic multimodal functions expanded multimodal functions hybrid composition functions CoDE is the best unimodal functions CoDE is the second best

48 48 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) The experimental results Comparison with CLPSO, CMA-ES, and GL-25 “ - ”, “ + ”, and “≈” denote that the performance of the corresponding algorithm is worse than, better than, and similar to that of CoDE, respectively. Overall, CoDE significantly outperforms CLPSO, CMA-ES, and GL-25.

49 49 Composite Differential Evolution (CoDE) The experimental results Random selection of the control parameter settings (CoDE) Adaptive selection of the control parameter settings (adaptive CoDE) Adaptive CoDE VS CoDE the adaptive CoDE outperforms CoDE on one unimodal function CoDE wins the adaptive CoDE on another unimodal function CoDE wins on two hybrid composition functions Overall, CoDE is slightly better than the adaptive CoDE.

50 50 Outline of My Talk  Introduction to Differential Evolution  The State-of-the-Art of Differential Evolution  Composite Differential Evolution  Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution  Conclusion

51 51 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution Motivation The crossover operators of DE can only generate a vertex of a hyper-rectangle defined by the mutant and target vectors. Therefore, the search ability of DE may be limited. the triangle denotes the trial vector whether the search ability of DE can be enhanced by effectively probing the hyper-rectangle defined by the mutant and target vectors

52 52 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution Orthogonal crossover (OX) can make a systematic and rational search in a region defined by the parent solutions. OX is based on orthogonal design. Orthogonal design: an example Factors (K) the temperaturethe amount of fertilizerthe pH value of the soil Levels (Q) 20 ℃ 100 g/m 2 6 25 ℃ 150 g/m 2 7 30 ℃ 200 g/m 2 8 The number of all the experiments is Q K the main aim of orthogonal design is to choose several representative combinations

53 53 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution How to implement the orthogonal design Orthogonal array: An orthogonal array for K factors with Q levels and M combinations is often denoted by L M (Q K ). The orthogonality of an orthogonal array means that: each level of the factor occurs the same number of times in each column each possible level combination of any two given factors occurs the same number of times in the array. a level combination a factor a level

54 54 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution Quantization orthogonal crossover (QOX) Step 1: quantize the solution space defined by two parents into a finite number of points x1x1 x2x2 [1.0, 3.0] (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) [1.0, 3.0 ] (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) QDQD the number of levels the number of variables Y. W. Leung and Y. Wang, “An orthogonal genetic algorithm with quantization for global numerical optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 41-53, 2001.

55 55 x1x1 x2x2 D=2 K=4 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution Quantization orthogonal crossover (QOX) Step 2: select a small, but representative sample of points as the potential offspring by orthogonal design If D ≤ K, the first D columns of L M (Q K ) can be used directly If D > K, the decision vector will be divided into K subvectors x1x1 x2x2 x4x4 x3x3 x6x6 x5x5 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 5.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

56 56 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution We proposed a generic framework for using QOX in DE variants Y. Wang, Z. Cai, and Q. Zhang, “Enhancing the search ability of differential evolution through orthogonal crossover,” Information Sciences, vol. 185, no. 1, pp. 153-177, 2012. LM(QK)LM(QK) comparison Remark: Our framework uses QOX to complement binomial crossover or exponential crossover for searching some promising regions in the search space.

57 57 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution An instantiation of our framework DE/rand/1/bin + QOX = OXDE Our framework can be easily generalized to other DE variants by replacing DE/rand/1/bin with other DE variants. an improvement

58 58 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results A suite of 24 test instances is used for our experimental studies the first 10 test instances are widely used in the evolutionary computation community the other 14 test instances are the first 14 test instances designed for the IEEE CEC2005 Parameter settings NP=D=30, F=0.9, CR=0.9, and FES max = 10,000×D The average and standard deviation of the function error value were recorded for measuring the performance of each algorithm For each test function, 50 independent runs were conducted The t-test at a 0.05 significance level has been used in comparison the best solution found by the algorithm in a run the global optimum of the test function

59 59 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results How to measure the successful run A run is successful if The parameter is set to 10 -2 for test functions F 6 -F 14, and 10 -6 for the rest of the test functions How to measure the convergence speed The mean and standard derivation of FES s among 50 independent runs are used to measure the convergence speed of an algorithm successful condition In a successful run, FES s is the number of FES needed for reaching successful condition In an unsuccessful run, FES s is set to FES max

60 60 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results OXDE VS DE/rand/1/bin OXDE can achieve at least one successful run on 11 test functions DE/rand/1/bin can achieve at least one successful run on 7 test functions OXDE has a faster convergence speed on these 11 test instances. “ - ”, “ + ”, and “≈” denote that the performance of the corresponding algorithm is worse than, better than, and similar to that of OXDE, respectively. OXDE certainly outperforms DE/rand/1/bin in terms of both the solution quality and the convergence speed.

61 61 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results OXDE VS DE/rand/1/bin Effect of population size (NP=50, 100, 200, and 300) OXDE performs significantly better than DE/rand/1/bin with different population sizes. “ - ”, “ + ”, and “≈” denote that the performance of the corresponding algorithm is worse than, better than, and similar to that of OXDE, respectively.

62 62 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results OXDE VS DE/rand/1/bin Effect of population size (NP=50, 100, 200, and 300) F grw (NP=100)F 5 (NP=200)

63 63 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results OXDE VS DE/rand/1/bin Effect of the number of variables (D=10, 50, 100, and 200) “ - ”, “ + ”, and “≈” denote that the performance of the corresponding algorithm is worse than, better than, and similar to that of OXDE, respectively. The advantage of OXDE over DE/rand/1/bin increases as the number of variables increases.

64 64 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results OXDE VS DE/rand/1/bin Effect of the number of variables (D=10, 50, 100, and 200) F ack (D=100) F sch (D=200)

65 65 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results Runtime complexity of OXDE

66 66 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results Can our framework improve other DE variants? Our framework can greatly improve the performance of DEahcSPX, DE/rand/1/exp, DE/rand/2/exp, and DE/rand/2/bin Our framework can also improve the performance of jDE, SaDE, and JADE to a certain degree our framework could be an effective way to improve the performance of other DE variants.

67 67 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results Comparison with opposition-based DE (ODE) “ - ”, “ + ”, and “≈” denote that the performance of the corresponding algorithm is worse than, better than, and similar to that of OXDE, respectively. OXDE performs better than ODE.

68 68 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results Comparison with other state-of-the-art EAs “ - ”, “ + ”, and “≈” denote that the performance of the corresponding algorithm is worse than, better than, and similar to that of OXDE, respectively. OXDE is a generally good global function optimizer.

69 69 Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution The experimental results Orthogonal crossover VS uniformly random sampling and Halton sampling the same level of improvement cannot be achieved via additional sampling strategies OXDE is able to exhibit better performance than HSDE in nearly all test instances; URSDE shows better performance than OXDE in four test instances OXDE outperforms URSDE in eight test instances

70 70 Outline of My Talk  Introduction to Differential Evolution  The State-of-the-Art of Differential Evolution  Composite Differential Evolution  Orthogonal Crossover based Differential Evolution  Conclusion

71 71 Conclusion We have demonstrated that the experiences and knowledge obtained from the researchers can be exploited to improve the performance of DE significantly for the first time. We have verified that the search ability of DE can be enhanced by effectively probing the hyper-rectangle defined by the mutant and target vectors for the first time. The source codes of CoDE and OXDE can be downloaded from the following URL:


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