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Advance Directives For Health Care. Advance Directives Also known as legal directives Legal document that allows individuals to stat what medical treatment.

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Presentation on theme: "Advance Directives For Health Care. Advance Directives Also known as legal directives Legal document that allows individuals to stat what medical treatment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advance Directives For Health Care

2 Advance Directives Also known as legal directives Legal document that allows individuals to stat what medical treatment they want or do not want in the event that they become incapacitated and unable to express their wishes Health care workers must be aware of and honor advance directives Two main directives include a living will and Durable power of Attorney for Health Care

3 Living wills Document stating what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when their condition is terminal Most states allow and honor living wills Frequently result in do not resuscitate (DNR) order for terminally ill Must be signed when individual is competent and witnessed by two adults who cannot benefit from the death

4 Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Designation of health care surrogate Document permitting a principal to appoint an agent to make decisions regarding health care if the principal is unable to make decisions Includes specific provisions Usually POA given to spouses, adult children, but can be any qualified adult

5 Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) 1990 federal law Patients are informed of their rights and have the opportunity to determine the care they receive All health care facilities receiving any type of federal aid must comply with standards.

6 PSDA Requirements Inform every adult, both orally and in writing, of their right under state law to make decisions concerning medical care, including the right to refuse treatment and right to die options Provide information and assistance in preparing advance directives Document any advance directives on the patient’s record

7 PSDA Requirements Have written statements to implement the patient’s rights in the decisions making process Affirm that there will be no discrimination or affect on care due to advance directives Educate the staff on the medical and legal issues of advance directives

8 In addition… Health care workers should also give serious consideration to preparing their own legal directives

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