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PERSONALITY & WORK BEHAVIOUR the use of personality at work expected relationships between personality and work behaviour approaches to the study of personality.

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Presentation on theme: "PERSONALITY & WORK BEHAVIOUR the use of personality at work expected relationships between personality and work behaviour approaches to the study of personality."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERSONALITY & WORK BEHAVIOUR the use of personality at work expected relationships between personality and work behaviour approaches to the study of personality at work two instruments for selection and team building does personality predict work behaviour?

2 FURTHER READING Barrett, P & Hutton, R (2000) “Psychometrics and Personality Questionnaires” Selection & Development Review 16 (2) pp5-9 Brown, R (1999) “The use of Personality Tests: a Survey of Usage and Practice in the UK” Selection & Development Review 15 (1) pp3-8 Furnham, A (1997) The Psychology of Behaviour at Work London Psychology Press Robertson, ! & Baron, H (2000) “Conscientiousness and Managerial Performance” Journal of Occupational & Organisational Psychology 73 (2) pp171-180

3 WHO USES WHAT? 78% use personality tests OPQ, 16PF & MBTI are most common used for recruitment and development most use publishers’ norms most give feedback to clients most don’t change their reports

4 THE SHAPE OF THE RELATIONSHIP Positive linear? Plateauing? Curvilinear? Negative linear?

5 APPROACHES TO PERSONALITY AT WORK classical personality theory classical occ psych/OB work-specific measures concepts of fit and misfit longitudinal studies case history research

6 PROS AND CONS Advantages –numbers –developmental –anti-corruption –comprehensive –scientific Disadvantages –fakeable –self-insight –unreliable –invalid –unimportant

7 COSTA & McCRAE’S BIG 5 neuroticism extraversion openness to experience agreeableness conscientiousness

8 MYERS BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR extraversion v introversion sensing v intuition thinking v feeling judging v perceiving

9 CATTELL’S 16PF move from the brightly lit areas use of factor analysis sixteen primary factors five global factors links with the big five

10 SOME WORRIES the theory is wrong the measurement is poor there are self-report errors the dv is not related to the iv other things are more important the problem of expertise the problem of independence

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