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IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Employee Sourcing, Acquiring and On-boarding.

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Presentation on theme: "IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Employee Sourcing, Acquiring and On-boarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Employee Sourcing, Acquiring and On-boarding

2 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband!

3 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Marriage is give and take. You’d better give it to her or she’ll take it anyway..

4 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

5 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran There is only one perfect wife in the world and every neighbor has it!

6 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran What are advantages / disadvantages of internal and external recruiting? Where do we source people from? How do we reach them? What are steps in the selection process? How can staffing decisions minimize hiring / promotion of the wrong people? What are some legal constraints of the hiring process? Challenges in Hiring

7 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Challenges in Hiring What are key performance characteristics? What is the applicant’s ability / motivation? Who will be involved in selection / hiring?

8 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Recruitment Recruitment is the process of searching for and identifying applicants for a position in sufficient quantity and of sufficient quality to meet organisational human resource needs.

9 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Advantages of Internal Recruitment  Morale/motivation of staff  Better assessment  Lower costs  Rewarding for past and present good performance  Single entry level to company

10 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment  Inbreeding of ‘bad’ ideals and practices  Political infighting for promotions  Training costs  Planning difficulties, including seeking and training any replacements

11 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Advantages of External Recruitment  New blood, ideas, ideals and team members  New knowledge and experience  Possible competitor insights  Cheaper than training a professional

12 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Disadvantages of External Recruitment  Difficult selection  Lowered morale of internal applicants  Longer adjustment period  Recruitment cost

13 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Selection: Matching People and Jobs Selection  The process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings. Selection Considerations  Person-job fit: job analysis identifies required individual competencies (KSAOs) for job success.  Person-organization fit: the degree to which individuals are matched to the culture and values of the organization.

14 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran The Goal of Selection: Maximize “Hits”

15 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Steps in the Selection Process Note: Steps may vary. An applicant may be rejected after any step in the process. Completion of application Initial interview in HR department Employment testing (aptitude, achievement) Background investigation Preliminary selection in HR department Supervisor/team interview Medical exam/drug test Hiring decision

16 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran The Selection Process Obtaining Reliable and Valid Information  Reliability  The degree to which interviews, tests, and other selection procedures yield comparable data over time and alternative measures.  Validity  Degree to which a test or selection procedure measures a person’s attributes.

17 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran 6–17 Sources of Information about Job Candidates Application Forms Online Applications Biographical Information Blanks (BIB) Background Investigations Polygraph Tests Integrity and Honesty Tests Graphology Medical Examinations Employment Tests Interviews

18 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Figure 6–4 The Effectiveness of Selection Methods Source: Source: David E. Terpstra, “The Search for Effective Methods,” HRFocus (May 1996). In a survey of 201 HR executives, participants were asked which selection methods produce the best employees. The mean rating for nine methods on a 5-point scale (1 = not good, 3 = average, 5 = extremely good): Work samples3.68 References/recommendations3.49 Unstructured interviews3.49 Structured interviews3.42 Assessment centers3.42 Specific aptitude tests3.08 Personality tests2.93 General cognitive ability tests2.89 Biographical information blanks2.84

19 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Components of Targeted Selection  Use past behaviour to predict future behaviour.  Identify critical position elements.  Organise selection elements into a comprehensive system.  Effective interviewing skills and techniques.  Involve several interviewers in the process.  Supplement interview information with observations from behavioural simulations.

20 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Improving the Interview  Interviewers should be selected based on their expertise and competence at interviewing.  Interviewers should be trained in the art of interviewing.  Interviews may be used in conjunction with other selection devices (for instance tests and references).

21 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Improving the Interview (cont.)  The interviewer should be fully informed and have information on the selection criteria, job description, work environment and resume prior to interview.  Panel interviews are likely to be more valid than sequential interviews, although the latter is a typical method used in many Australian organisations today.

22 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Using Assessment Centers Assessment Center  A process by which individuals are evaluated as they participate in a series of situations that resemble what they might be called on to handle on the job.  In-basket exercises  Leaderless group discussions  Role playing  Behavioral interviews

23 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran What are people looking for? “Choose the phrase that best describes most the most important criterion you will look for in your next position.”

24 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran The 4 levels of On-boarding… The Job The Fit The Affirmation The Basics

25 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Level 1 – The Basics Welcome Satisfies legal/HR Needs Benefits enrollment/paperwork Overview of the organizational chart Company video Product/Services overview

26 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Level 2: The Affirmation Exposure to executives Good first impressions Introduction to others Network building Mentoring

27 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Level 3: The Fit Mission/vision/values overview Learning Maps – understanding your business Culture around here Clarify work conditions/ unspoken rules of the road Job specific & function specific information

28 IPMI – HRM - 2010Krishnan RajendranIPMI – HRM - 20Krishnan Rajendran Level 4: The Job Put managers & employees at the center Goal & strategy alignment Build the foundation for essential relationship Seek ways to shorten the learning curve Assignment

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