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Published byJulius Bradley Modified over 9 years ago
SEN Information Report Leigh C.E. Junior School
What can Leigh C.E Junior School offer? Dedicated and caring staff who value all students regardless of ability. High quality teaching for all, with appropriate support for individuals (including those with special needs). Assessment for identification of significant needs. Aids to support different types of learner. We provide support based on the cycle of:- Teachers are responsible for every child in their care, including those with special educational needs.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Children may have additional needs in the following four broad areas - Please click on each one for further details of our support Communication and interaction Cognition and learning Social, emotional and mental health Sensory and/or physical needs As of January 2015, we have approximately 80 children receiving some form of SEN Support. Each term assessments are carried out to see how effective this support is and whether it needs to be continued. Other children who may need extra support are also identified at this time. Pupils who have special educational needs are supported well. Because of this, they make the same good progress as that of other pupils. Ofsted 2013
COMMUNICATION & INTERACTION Some children may require support to develop their speech and language skills or help them to become more confident. The majority of our teaching assistants are trained to deliver ‘Talking Partners’ and children may attend one or several sessions per week in a small group. This gives them the opportunity to develop skills such as news telling, giving instructions, making up stories and describing objects or pictures. For children who are shy or reluctant to speak out in class it is an ideal way to build up confidence. Older children may be in a group discussing their opinions on issues such as homework and school uniforms. Being able to talk in this way can help them with written work. We have a good relationship with local speech and language therapists. They provide materials for us to use and sometimes come into school to advise us on ways to support specific children. Other children benefit greatly from small group work with our Learning Mentor, to help them develop their social skills.
COGNITION & LEARNING Children throughout school are assessed regularly and this helps staff to plan interesting lessons at the correct level for each pupil to learn new skills. After these skills have been practised, teachers review the work covered and decide on the next steps to take. Support will be put in place where it is needed, with the aim of helping pupils to be as independent as possible. This cycle of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ is ongoing. The support given, varies according to need. Small groups, one-to-one support, differentiated work and practical apparatus are just a few examples of the ways in which we help children with their learning. We welcome involvement from parents and will happily talk through ways in which you can help your child at home. If you have concerns, please feel that you can share them with us. Your child’s teacher or our Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) will meet with you to discuss any issues and how we can help.
SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL & MENTAL HEALTH At Leigh C.E. Junior school we believe that the self-esteem of all pupils is vital to their development and we strive to make our school a happy place where all pupils feel valued. We work with all children to develop their personal and social skills through PSHE lessons. In addition our Learning Mentor works closely with individual children when needed, helping them to overcome any difficulties with other children and remove any barriers to their learning. Our school is working hard to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of pupils and we have recently achieved our Silver Award. We aim to work closely with parents and support them. We have strong links with outside agencies and draw on their expertise if required. The TESS team (Targeted Educational Support Service) and EP (Educational Psychologist) can assess children and give advice to our staff regarding pupil behaviour. If necessary, confidential counselling sessions can be arranged for children. These take place in school and are run by trained professionals from Wigan Family Welfare. The school provides sensitive support for pupils and families whose circumstances might put them at risk. Staff have established effective partnerships with a wide range of agencies that support pupils’ well-being. Ofsted 2013
SENSORY AND/OR PHYSICAL NEEDS If a child has a hearing loss and/or visual impairment, we will do our utmost to adapt their learning environment so that they can access the curriculum and achieve the best possible outcomes. The Specialist Sensory Education Team (SSET) based at Leigh Town Hall advise us and will work with individual children when it is appropriate. They provide training for our staff and can loan us specialist equipment. National tests (e.g.SATs)) can be modified if needed, so that children can access them. If children have physical needs, we will make adaptations to the layout of our school as far as is reasonably possible, to enable them to take a full and active part in all lessons and activities. Leigh C.E. Junior School has a lift to the upper floor. Doorways have been widened and ramps built so that it is easier for wheelchairs to get around school. If specific equipment is needed for a child, we will arrange to get this whenever possible.
Frequently Asked Questions What should I do if I am worried about my child’s progress and think he/she may have special educational needs Where can I get advice about SEN issues Who is the SENCO at Leigh C.E. Junior School How does the school know if children need extra help How will the school staff support my child How will I know how my child is getting on at school How will you help me to support my child’s learning
How accessible is the school environment What training and expertise do the staff have What specialist services are accessed by the school How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips
If you are worried about your child’s progress, first speak to your child’s teacher. Don’t wait until a parents evening because it is better to discuss things before they have chance to become more serious. It is usually possible to make an appointment to see a teacher within one or two days, or you may have chance to have a quick word on the playground after school. In the mornings, teachers need to get their classes into school so they will not be able to talk at this time. You can also make an appointment to speak to the SENCO about your concerns.
You are very welcome to come into school and talk to us. There are also a number of organisations locally that have been specially set up to help parents. EMBRACE Tel. 01942 233323 EMBRACE Tel. 01942 233323 SENDIASS (Parent Partnership Services) Tel. 01942 486131/364441 SENDIASS (Parent Partnership Services) Tel. 01942 486131/364441 To look at SEND services in the Wigan area To look at SEND services in the Wigan area
The SENCO is Mrs Wendy Capper. If you would like to discuss any concerns or find out further details about our SEND provision, please contact her via the school office (01942 671389) You can also see our SEND Policy on the school website
The regular assessments we carry out at school help us to keep track of each child’s progress. We set individual targets for children using these assessment results. Class teachers discuss with the SENCO which children need further support and plan what form this will take. Parents are informed either through parents meetings or letters home how their children are progressing. If we have concerns, we will invite you into school to discuss these. Children with a statement or EHC plan will have an annual review which parents are invited to attend. You are welcome to make an appointment at any time if you have any concerns you wish to discuss with us.
The type of support given, varies according to the needs of the child. We aim to help children become as independent as possible and not reliant on adult support. Some pupils need a person to check they have understood instructions and are on task. Others will require more specialist teaching in order to acquire basic skills. Whatever the need, we will try to provide the right sort of help and we will discuss these plans with you.
If you want to help your child at home, your child’s class teacher will be able to advise you on the best ways to do this. The SENCO is also very willing to discuss ways you can support your child and can demonstrate methods and/or provide materials which can be used at home.
We have built up good links with the following support agencies and frequently liaise with them to access their expertise – CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service TESS Targeted Educational Support Service SALT Speech and Language Therapists OT Occupational Therapists EPS Educational Psychology Service SSET Specialist Sensory Education Team Gateway Services We also have links with New Greenhall Special School who have provided advice when necessary.
We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and will make every reasonable attempt to include all children in activities including those taking place out of school.
Our members of staff have a wide range of skills which they use to support children. These include training in ‘Sounds Write’, ‘Read Write inc. Phonics’, ‘Maths Recovery’, ‘Springboard Maths’, ‘Talking Partners’ etc. We regularly access training through courses run by Wigan Council and visiting professionals. This is an ongoing process so that we are constantly developing our expertise. The SENCO attends Cluster meetings each term where current Special Educational Needs practice is discussed and ideas shared. Mrs Irwin (Y5 teacher) has recently completed her SENCO qualification. Two of our TAs have completed training in supporting children with a hearing impairment.
We hope this has answered some of your questions about Special Educational Needs in our school. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions. (Tel. 01942 671389)
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