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Dar-al Islam James Bissell A1 Demott, AP World History.

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Presentation on theme: "Dar-al Islam James Bissell A1 Demott, AP World History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dar-al Islam James Bissell A1 Demott, AP World History

2 The Spread of Islam Spread following Mohammed's death (8 June, 632) Spread from the Arabian Peninsula spread mainly by Muslim soldiers Arabic for Mohammed

3 Morocco Westernmost Islamic nation Conquered by the Ottomans Founded by Turkish pirates Modern Morocco

4 Algeria 647 A.D. Islam brought to Algeria Dynasties include Fatimids The Ottomans took power from 1518- 1830 In 1830 the French began colonization Modern Algeria

5 Tunisia Islam arrived in the 7 th century Dynasties included Almohads and Berber kings. Various European nations colonized Tunisia. Modern Tunisia

6 Libya Conquered by the Arabs in 642 Conquered by Italians Berbers made bulk of population Modern Libya

7 Egypt Eastern most Islamic nation in North Africa Historically been a place of learning Place of great diversity Modern Egypt

8 Work Cited 97 97 factbook/geos/ag.html factbook/geos/ag.html

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