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Chapter 19 TOWARD AN URBAN SOCIETY, 1877–1900. Urban and Rural Population, 1870–1900 (in millions)

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 19 TOWARD AN URBAN SOCIETY, 1877–1900. Urban and Rural Population, 1870–1900 (in millions)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 19 TOWARD AN URBAN SOCIETY, 1877–1900

2 Urban and Rural Population, 1870–1900 (in millions)

3 Life in the Cities –Tenements  Very poor living conditions –Disease spread quickly – Inadequate sanitation – Poor ventilation – Polluted water –Overcrowded  Up to 12 people shared a room

4 Jacob Riis – “How the Other Half Lives”

5 Immigration to the United States, 1870–1900

6 Foreign-born Population, 1890

7 “New” Immigrants  Most immigrants moved for economic reasons and entered through Ellis Island  1880s: Eastern + Southern European “new” immigrants prompted resurgent Nativism –Nativist organizations tried to limit immigration –Immigrants seen as threats to American society

8 “Welcome to All”

9 “Looking Backward”



12 Political Machines  Traded services for votes –Provided necessary services for immigrants –Made millions of dollars in the process  Improved conditions in cities, but were also extreme examples of graft + corruption Brooklyn Bridge

13 Boss Tweed + Tammany Hall (NYC) Cartoons by Thomas Nast (a mugwump)



16 “New Women”  Women with self-supporting careers  Demanded an end to gender discrimination  Advocated suffrage –Susan B. Anthony

17 Educating the Masses  Trend toward universal education  1896: Plessy v. Ferguson allowed "separate but equal" schools

18 The Settlement Houses  Many workers women  Classical, practical education for poor, immigrants  Most famous was Jane Addams' Hull House in Chicago

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