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Practical Initiatives For Enhancing Transparency in Local Self-Government - Lviv Workshop, April 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Initiatives For Enhancing Transparency in Local Self-Government - Lviv Workshop, April 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Initiatives For Enhancing Transparency in Local Self-Government - Lviv Workshop, April 2008

2 Public Ethics Benchmark and Improvement Programme - Council of Europe project in Spain, Moldova, Ukraine and Romania -5 participating Ukrainian municipalities -Producing : 1.Scorecard of model transparency initiatives 2. Handbook of local self- government law

3 Transparency Initiatives Registers of councillor interests, expenses and allowances Guidance on – - political party funding - elections & monitoring Codes of Conduct for councillors and officers Policy on access to information Revised councillor and officer training Peer reviewing Publication of: - annual anti-corruption strategy - public survey results - available positions - tenders for contracts

4 Codes of Conduct – Ethical Values The 7 “Principles of Public Life” Selflessness Integrity Objectivity Accountability Openness Honesty Leadership

5 Transparency & Standards Through: - Codes of Conduct -Publicising the Code and standards -Toolkits (scorecards, guidance, audits) -Publicising case results -Ethics Committees -Annual report on the ethical framework

6 Code of Conduct for Councillors Promote equality Treat people with respect Members should not - Bring the authority into disrepute Misuse their position to advantage or disadvantage themselves or others Disclose confidential information Stop someone seeing papers they are allowed to Not unduly influence authority officers Misuse council resources

7 Code of Conduct (cont.) Addressing: conflicts of interests incompatible posts Obligation to declare - personal interests prejudicial interests gifts and hospitality

8 Experience from the UK & Serbia Achievements in – - Councillors removed for misconduct -Established Ethics Committees -Improved councillor conduct -Improved public confidence in local government

9 NGOs and Ethics Committees Assisting: -Political neutrality -Appointments to the Committee -Committee resources -Publicise its work through public seminars and in the media -Publicise case outcomes

10 Tenders for public contracts Information and Meet- The-Buyer meetings Public guidance Simplify tender process Adopt e-procurement Offer feedback to unsuccessful tenders Encourage sustainable procurement

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