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Chapter #10 The Federalist Era NOTES Troubled Times for Adams.

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1 Chapter #10 The Federalist Era NOTES Troubled Times for Adams

2 Page 1 UNIT #3 Building a Nation NOTES The Election of 1796 -As president, Adams first and most difficult task was keeping peace with France -Many Americans (mostly Federalists) despised the French for their interference with trade and politics Adams in Office

3 -French ships constantly looted and destroyed U.S. ships and cargo -Many Americans supported war -Adams attempted to make peace with France -French delegates came to the U.S … with a bribe -Peace would be made if a $250,000 bribe was paid and a $10 million loan was given to the French -Became known as the XYZ Affair Page 2 The French UNIT #3 Building a Nation NOTES Adams & the French Results -Adams had to seriously consider war -Adams did not ask Congress to declare immediately … he waited

4 -France, fully engaged in war with Britain at the time did not want to fight two wars -Napoleon, leader of France, knew he had to make peace -The issue was settled at the Convention of 1800 Page 3 (continued) UNIT #3 Building a Nation NOTES Adams & the French Adams Loses Support -History looks fondly on Adams for winning peace but his party did not -Hamilton did not approve of avoiding war -The Federalist Party split … half siding with Adams and half siding with Hamilton -Hamilton in effect took ½ of Adams ’ support – giving the D-Rs an advantage by 1800

5 -In 1798 Congress passed (and Adams signed) a series of laws that supposedly would protect the country from foreigners - “ Alien ” laws made it easy to remove foreigners from the country and harder for them to become citizens - “ Sedition ” laws made it illegal for foreigners to speak out against the government -Foreigners (esp. French) sided w/ the D-Rs Page 4 The Alien and Sedition Acts UNIT #3 Building a Nation NOTES Adams & the French

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