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The Federal Period George Washington( ) A. Precedents

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1 The Federal Period George Washington(1789-1797) A. Precedents
1. Cabinet two terms Farewell Address B. Worked w/Congress to pass law to set up judicial branch 1. Judiciary Act of 1789 a. Supreme Court, appeals courts, district courts

2 Washington C. set up departments to help run executive branch (Cabinet) 1. Treasury – Alexander Hamilton a. favored strong national gov’t 2. State – Thomas Jefferson a. afraid of power of national gov’t; more faith in common man

3 Washington D. Hamilton’s Economic Plan 1. to manage country’s debt a. create national bank b. have federal gov’t take all the debt of the states i. many Southern states already paid off debt; not happy ii. compromise: build new capital in the South


5 Washington E. Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
1. farmers protested new tax on whiskey Washington raised/sent army to end it a. first test of’t to enforce law

6 Washington F. Foreign Affairs 1. Proclamation of Neutrality a. Washington said US would be neutral in war b/t Britain-France b. Jefferson resigned from Cabinet 2. Pinckney’s Treaty a. w/Spain; gave US use of Miss. River (port of New Orleans) 3. Jay’s Treaty a. w/Britain; agreed to leave forts in NW territory

7 Washington G. Formation of Political Parties
from Hamilton-Jefferson views about role of gov’t Hamilton supporters – Federalists a. strong federal gov’t, broad/loose interpretation of the Constitution 3. Jefferson supporters – Democratic-Republicans a. strong state gov’ts, narrow/strict interpretation of the Constitution


9 Washington H. Farewell Address
1. warned about “the spirit of party” – growing division of the country warned about “permanent alliances” a. stay out of affairs of other countries

10 The Federal Period (con’t)
John Adams ( ) Election of 1796 election w/two political parties Adams (Federalist) v. Jefferson (Dem-Rep) 3. Adams won more electoral votes – became president; Jefferson finished second – vp

11 John Adams B. Foreign Policy 1. XYZ Affair (1798)
US trying to stop France from taking ships Three French officials demanded a bribe from Americans in order to meet w/French foreign minister Huge wave of anti-French feeling in US i. “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.” d. Undeclared naval war

12 John Adams Domestic Policy Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)
lots of new immigrants coming to US – many voting w/ Dem-Rep. Party Federalists believed there were French spies in the US Alien Act-allowed president to deport any immigrants (aliens); be in the US 14 yrs. to become a citizen Sedition Act-illegal for anyone to criticize the gov’t i. Federalists trying to target Dem-Rep ii. violation of the ____ Amendment

13 John Adams Jefferson and Madison (D-R) said law was unconstitutional
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions - said states had right to nullify act of Congress they believed was unconstitutional - nullification theory

14 The Federal Period Thomas Jefferson (1801-1807) Election of 1800
Jefferson, Adams, Burr a. Jefferson, Burr tied in electoral college votes b. Constitution said election decided by House of Rep. c. Hamilton used influence to win votes for Jefferson peaceful transfer of power from one party to another i. “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.” ii. 12th Amendment passed by Congress – separate vote for president/vp

15 Thomas Jefferson Domestic Policy Judiciary of 1801
passed at last minute by Federalist Congress and Adams increased number of federal judges to try to control courts (“midnight judges”) Jefferson told Sec.of State Madison not to deliver papers to appoint one of the judges; judge sued Marburyv. Madison (1803) Chief Justice John Marshall Court said a part of Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional Established precedent of judicial review – power of Supreme Court to declare law unconstitutional

16 Thomas Jefferson Louisiana Purchase (1803)
US wanted to buy New Orleans from France France offered all of Louisiana Territory Jefferson not sure at first if Constitution allowed President to do this (Jefferson’s view of Constitution?) sent treaty to Senate; ratified doubled size of US Lewis and Clark Expedition ( )

17 Thomas Jefferson Foreign Policy
1. US caught in the middle of war b/t Britain-France; US trying to stay neutral British taking US sailors off ships and forcing them into British Navy – impressment Embargo Act (1807) i. Congress banned trade w/other countries

18 The Federal Period James Madison (1809-1817) D-R Foreign Policy
War of 1812 (US-Britain) Issues i. conflicts w/British on seas (impressment, imbargo) ii. conflicts w/Native Americans in Northwest iii. War Hawks – congressman from South, West pushing for war; patriotism took over

19 James Madison US military not prepared
British Navy blockaded on East Coast i. hurt businessman in New England; Hartford Convention - to talk about seceding 1814-British Army invaded Washington, burned White House Francis Scott Key – Star Spangled Banner during attack on Baltimore Battle of New Orleans i. US victory; made Andrew Jackson a hero Treaty of Ghent (1814) i. issues not resolved ii. new mood of nationalism in the country (“Second War for Independence”)

20 The Federal Period James Monroe (1817-1825) D-R Post War US
migration West – new states increased trade w/Britain regional differences creating problems - sectionalism (North, South, West) Missouri Compromise (1820) what to do about slavery in new states Missouri admitted as slave state, Maine as free state c parallel on map – north free, south slave

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