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Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics PRESS CONFERENCE Radmila Čičković, PhD, Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics, Director General 24 th June.

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Presentation on theme: "Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics PRESS CONFERENCE Radmila Čičković, PhD, Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics, Director General 24 th June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics PRESS CONFERENCE Radmila Čičković, PhD, Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics, Director General 24 th June 2014

2 CRIME STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics A decrease in the number of accused and convicted adults compared to 2012 2013 number of the accused 7.0% lower number of the convicted 5.0% lower

3 LABOUR STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics Average monthly net wage 818 КМ Average monthly gross wage 1,316 КМ MAY 2014

4 LABOUR STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics Graph 1. Average net wages of employed persons by month КМ

5 PRICES STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics Monthly inflation -0.1% Annual inflation (May 2014/May 2013) -1.7% MAY 2014

6 PRICES STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics increase in prices Division Housing 0.3% Division Health care 0.2% decrease in prices Division Clothing and footwear 0.6% Division Food and non-alcoholic beverages 0.4% MAY 2014

7 PRICES STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics Producer prices of industrial products on domestic market: May 2014/April 2014 0.1% higher May 2014/May 2013 1.1% lower MAY 2014

8 PRICES STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics Producer prices of industrial products on non- domestic market : May 2014/April 2014 0.3% lower May 2014/May 2013 0.3% higher МАY 2014

9 INDUSTRY STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics May 2014/ April 2014 Seasonally-adjusted industrial production 1.0% higher Index of industrial production:

10 INDUSTRY STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics May 2014/May 2013 Number of employees in industry increased by 1.5% EMPLOYEES IN INDUSTRY

11 EXTERNAL TRADE STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics Coverage of import with export 56.5% JANUARY – МАY 2014 Volume of external trade of Republika Srpska 2 billion and 945 million КМ EXPORT 1 billion and 64 million КМ IMPORT 1 billion and 881 million КМ

12 СТАТИСТИКА СПОЉНЕ ТРГОВИНЕ Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics Graph 2. Export and import by month 20132014 thous. КМ

13 EXTERNAL TRADE STATISTICS Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics JANUARY - МАY 2014 Italy 18.3% or 195 million КМ Serbia 14.4% or 153 million КМ Croatia 10.9% or 116 million КМ EXPORT: Russia 23.3% or 439 million КМ Serbia 15.3% or 288 million КМ Italy 10.9% or 205 million КМ IMPORT:

14 Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics 24 th June 2014 PRESS CONFERENCE

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