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WEEK 3 Homework 1/20 through 1/26 DUE Monday 1/26 EE. A.7 Real World Equations ASSIGNMENT #1 44. 45. Write an equation to solve the following: How many.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK 3 Homework 1/20 through 1/26 DUE Monday 1/26 EE. A.7 Real World Equations ASSIGNMENT #1 44. 45. Write an equation to solve the following: How many."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEEK 3 Homework 1/20 through 1/26 DUE Monday 1/26 EE. A.7 Real World Equations ASSIGNMENT #1 44. 45. Write an equation to solve the following: How many ink cartridges can you buy with $135 if one cartridge costs $15? Write an equation to solve the following: The cost of renting a car is $20 to take the car and $4 for every hour it spends in your possession. The total amount Lucy paid was $40. How many hours did she have the car?

2 EE. A. 6 Using Variables to Write Expressions ASSIGNMENT #2 46. 47. WEEK 3 Homework 1/20 through 1/26 DUE Monday 1/26 On Monday, 362 students went on a trip to the zoo. All 6 buses were filled and 8 students had to travel in cars. How many students were in each bus? Write an equation to solve. Write an equation to solve the following: Jason bought a soft drink for $3 and 7 candy bars. He spent a total of $38. How much did each candy bar cost?

3 48. Find the area of the following figures Geometry ASSIGNMENT #3 49. WEEK 3 Homework 1/20 through 1/26 DUE Monday 1/26 Area Area formulas: Square/Rectangle /Parallelogram B x H Triangle: ½ B x H Trapezoid: (B1 + B2) x H / 2

4 ASSIGNMENT #4 Challenge Problems WEEK 3 Homework 1/20 through 1/26 DUE Monday 1/26 Write an equation to solve the following: Ronnie bought a tie and a pair of socks for a total of $69. If the tie is twice as much money as the socks, how much does each cost? Write an equation to solve the following: Kevin spent half of his allowance going to the movies. He washed the family car and earned $8. What is his weekly allowance if he ended with $15? 50. 51.

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