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Unit 2 Fit for Life Brainstorming Can you guess the names of these departments in the hospital? Let’s have a try.

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2 Unit 2 Fit for Life


4 Brainstorming Can you guess the names of these departments in the hospital? Let’s have a try.

5 1. Department of Internal Medicine : _______ 2. Department of Surgery: ________ 3. ENT (ear-nose-throat) Department: _____________ 4. Emergency Room: _________ 5. X-ray Department: _________ 内科 外科 耳鼻喉科 急诊室 放射科

6 6. Registration Office: ______ 7. Out-patient Department: ______ 8. In-patient Department: _______ 9. Nursing Department: _______ 10. Waiting Room : ________ 11. Pharmacy: _________ 挂号处 住院部 护理部 门诊部 候诊室 药房

7 Let’s study some words about diseases and terms. heart disease malaria ICU diagnose cholera diabetes pneumonia prescription 心脏病疟疾 霍乱 糖尿病 肺炎 处方 重症监护室 诊断

8 Medicines in different forms tablets / pills capsules liquid medicines creams injections powders spray

9 According the description of some places, guess the name of these places.

10 Where treatment is given to people who do not need to stay in hospital clinic

11 where patients stay sleep ward

12 where patients who need urgent treatment go Emergency Room

13 where pictures of body parts are taken X-ray Room

14 where operations are carried out Operating theatre

15 where patients see the doctor Consulting Room

16 where patients register or find out information Reception

17 where patients receive intensive care ICU

18 where medicine is given to patients pharmacy

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