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How To Make A Good Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "How To Make A Good Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Make A Good Presentation


3 How should a presentation be?

4 Mainly there are 5 key points for a successful presentation

5 Content of the presentation or speech

6 Body language

7 Equipment

8 Don’t forget to do rehearsal before the presentation.
Environment Don’t forget to do rehearsal before the presentation.

9 Preparation

10 Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis
Your speech should be simple and understandable

11 It should be definitive
It should be realistic It should be obvious

12 There shouldnt be too much detailes
The fonts Your sentences should be understandable and your pronounciation should be correct

13 Tips for an effective presentation
First impression Simple Use keywords Repeat keywords

14 Q&A technic Never put the exact text to slides The opening and ending should be catchy.

15 Before The Presentation
Set your goal Define Main Lines Do research

16 Use images Go early

17 During Presentation Dont read text from the slides Face the audience
Look at the audience While doing the presentation: words is %7 voice tone is %38 body language is %55 important

18 Don’t forget to do rehearsal before the presentation
Use your hands Be careful about your accent Do jokes Don’t forget to do rehearsal before the presentation


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