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 You are going to view a presentation by Dalton Sherman called “Do You Believe?” I want you to think about these things when viewing the presentation:

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2  You are going to view a presentation by Dalton Sherman called “Do You Believe?” I want you to think about these things when viewing the presentation: › 1. Who is Dalton's audience? › 2. What is the message of his presentation? Does he state this explicitly? › 3. Think of at least three (3) things that made Dalton's presentation effective.

3  MLOnSNwzA MLOnSNwzA  Let’s talk about those questions now!

4  Now, let’s take a look at a not so good presentation. I want you to think about these things when watching the presentation: › 1. Think of at least three (3) mistakes made by the presenter. › 2. How could the presenter have avoided some of the things that kept happening to him? › 3. Does humour always work in a presentation?

5  I9Q1jIw&feature=related I9Q1jIw&feature=related  Let’s talk about those questions now!

6  PowerPoint (or even Prezi now) is a common tool to use in presentations. Heck, even I’m using it now! PowerPoint can be a useful tool, but often it is not used effectively by presenters. We’re going to watch another clip highlighting PowerPoint mishaps. I want you to think about these questions when watching: › 1. What common mistakes were pointed out by the presenter? Which ones have you made? › 2. Think of at least two (2) pieces of advice the presenter offers about using PowerPoint.

7  fmEU2Ck&NR=1&feature=fvwp fmEU2Ck&NR=1&feature=fvwp  Let’s talk about those questions now!

8  Now, as a class, we will create a “to do list” of things to consider before doing a presentation.  On the following slide, beside each topic, let’s brainstorm what presenters should think about before they do their presentation!

9 TopicThings to Consider Audience Time Room/Space Organization Appearance Voice Eye Contact Practice

10  Now that you have all of this awesome information, it’s time to practice your presentation skills!  You will break off into groups of 4-5 students, and practice the “Five Point Speech” in your groups.

11  In your groups, you are to each choose a topic from the list provided. Everyone needs to do a different topic.  Take five minutes to brainstorm five points that explain your topic.  Taking turns, each group member should explain their topic and keep in mind the things we learned about good presentation skills.  Finally, each group should choose the best presentation to participate in the class challenge! The winner may get a prize...

12  How to plant a garden.  How to send an e-mail or text message.  How to download songs to an iPod.  How to get from LASS to the Bramalea City Centre.  Why your pet should win the ‘Pet of the Year’ award.  Why Angry Birds is the best game EVER!  Why your favourite food is the best food.  Why you are the coolest person at LASS.  Your own topic (at teacher’s approval!) Present!

13  Now that you’re all presentation champs, let’s create a list of five things every presentation should have/do in order to be the ‘perfect’ presentation!  We’ll keep this list posted in class so you can refer to it when preparing for the presentation you will do as part of your unit summative

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