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Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section A. doing homework / du :iŋ/ /h əumwək / do ─ doing What is she doing now? She is do - She is doing ---

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section A. doing homework / du :iŋ/ /h əumwək / do ─ doing What is she doing now? She is do - She is doing ---"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section A

2 doing homework / du :iŋ/ /h əumwək / do ─ doing What is she doing now? She is do - She is doing ---

3 read What is she doing now? She is reading. /ri:d/ /ri:di ŋ / do ─ doing read ─ reading Is she reading a newspaper? No, she isn’t. She’s reading a book.

4 What is he doing? He is ______________. watch TV watching TV do ─ doing read ─ reading watch — watching Is he watching TV? Yes, he is.

5 What is she doing? She _________. /kli:n / clean is cleaning do ─ doing read ─ reading watch — watching clean — cleaning Is she cleaning? Yes, she is.

6 What’s she doing? She ['t ɔ :kiŋ] talking is talking on the phone. do ─ doing read ─ reading watch — watching clean — cleaning talk - talking Is she talking to her mother ? No. she is talking to her father.

7 What is he doing? He is eating eating do ─ doing read ─ reading watch — watching clean — cleaning talk – talking He is playing the guitar. He is playing the guitar. play-playing swim- swimming eat-eating He is swimming He is getting up. get - getting

8 What are they doing? They are… run--running running swim- swimming get - getting They are dancing. They are writing. dance—dancing write - writing /rait/ write

9 What are they doing? They are having a PE class dance—dancing write –writing have - having Are we having a PE class, too? No, we aren’t. We are having an English class.

10 A:What is/are …. doing? B:He’s/She’s/They’re… reading runningtaking a shower eating dinner watching TV talking on the phone doing homework Pair work:

11 talking on the phone eating dinner A: What are they doing now ? B: They are… watching TV having PE

12 What can you find ( 找到,发现)? What are you doing? I am watching TV. What are they doing? They are dancing. What is she doing? She is reading. What is he doing? He is doing homework. What am I doing? You are speaking. be (am / is / are) + v-ing 现在进行时


14 watch watchingdance dancingrun running play do clean write give have swim get shop playing doing cleaning writing giving having swimming getting shopping Can you add -ing to the words ? 1. 一般在动词 原形后加 ing 2. 以不发音字母 e 结尾的动词, 去 e 加 ing 3. 以 “ 元 + 辅 ” 结尾的动词, 且是重读闭音节的单词, 双写辅音字母 +ing. 找规律

15 --What’s Li Lei doing? --He _____________( read ). --Look! They ___________ (swim). --It’s 9:00 now. Where are the boys? --They__________( play ) soccer there. --Listen! They _________ (sing). --We _______________(have) an English class now. is reading are playing are singing are swimming are having ( 填空 )

16 ( 改错 ) 1.I am listen to the music now. 2.Look,Mary is danceing under the tree. 3.Listen,Tom is talk with Li Ming. 4. --What is he doing ? --He is swiming in the pool. 5. Do they drawing pictures now ? 1.I am listening to the music now. 2.Look,Mary is dancing under the tree. 3.Listen,Tom is talking with Li Ming. 4. --What is he doing ? --He is swimming in the pool. 5. Are they drawing pictures now ?

17 1a Match the activities with the pictures. 1. watching TV __ 2. cleaning __ 3. reading a newspaper __ 4. talking on the phone __ 5. listening to a CD __ 6. using the computer __ 7. making soup ___ 8. washing the dishes __ 9. exercising ___ a g d i h e c b f

18 a. Jenny ___ b. John ___ c. Dave and Mary ___ 1b Listen. Write the numbers from 1a. 18 5 1. watching TV 2. cleaning 3. reading a newspaper 4. talking on the phone 5. listening to a CD 6. using the computer 7. making soup 8. washing the dishes 9. Exercising Tips :Listen to key words— names and activities.

19 A:Jenny,what you ? B: watching TV. A: you want tennis? B:.This TV show is. A: John ? B: He’s the dishes. A:Well,what Dave and Mary doing ? B: They a CD. 1b Listen again to fill in under the blanks. are doing I’mI’m Do toplay No interesting What’s doing washing are Listening to A:Hello!Jenny. B:Hi!Bob.

20 A:Jenny,what you ? B: watching TV. A: you want tennis? B:.This TV show is. A: John ? B: He’s the dishes. A:Well,what Dave and Mary doing ? B: They a CD. are doing I’mI’m Do toplay No interesting What’s doing washing are Listening to A:Hello!Jenny. B:Hi!Bob.

21 She’s talking on the phone. 1c Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in 1a. What’s she doing?

22 What’s he doing? He’s making the soup. What’s he doing? He’s washing the dishes.

23 She’s cleaning. What’s she doing? She’s using computer.

24 She’s exercising. What’s she doing? What’s he doing? He’s reading a newspaper.

25 She’s listening to a CD. What’s she doing? What’re they doing? They’re watching TV.



28 Tom A: Is Tom reading ? B: Is Tom listening to music? What is Tom doing? He is reading a book.

29 Miss Smith What is Miss Smith doing? She is singing. A: Is she v-ing---? B: Yes, she is. ? No, she isn’t.

30 Mr. Green A: Is he v-ing---? B: Yes, he is. ? No, he isn’t. What is Mr. Green doing? He is running. What is Mr. Green doing?


32 Make a survey like this, and give a report. PeopleTimeActivities Mary6:30pmwatching TV Report: Mary is watching TV at 6:30pm…

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