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Vietnam War 1954-1975. Background  Vietnam colony of France  WW II ended and returned to France  Communist & Vietnamese nationalist revolutionary Ho.

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Presentation on theme: "Vietnam War 1954-1975. Background  Vietnam colony of France  WW II ended and returned to France  Communist & Vietnamese nationalist revolutionary Ho."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vietnam War 1954-1975

2 Background  Vietnam colony of France  WW II ended and returned to France  Communist & Vietnamese nationalist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh wants independence

3 Frances Exits  Ho Chi Minh defeats France  Vietnam divided along the 17 th parallel  North backed by Minh and communist  South backed by Ngo Dinh Diem and western democracies

4 Growing Tension  North Vietnam wants to unite all of Vietnam under communism  USA organizes South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) to protect independence of South Vietnam  Maintain policy of containment SEATO Flag

5 Domino Theory  USA is afraid of the domino theory that if one country falls to communism the rest will also fall

6 USA Enters War  Gulf of Tonkin Incident  August 1964 President Johnson claimed that North Vietnam attacked US ships in the Gulf of Tonkin  Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and sends troops

7 Turning Point 1968  Tet (lunar new year) Offensive  Communist attack 30 South Vietnamese cities 

8 USA Withdraws  Vietnam War very unpopular in the US  Kent State  Dodging the mandatory draft  Length of war  Cost of war approximately $140 billion  January 1973 cease fire

9 Victory of North Vietnam  April 1975 South Vietnamese troops retreat without consulting US  South Vietnamese President Thieu resigns and communist take over  Vietnam united under communism

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