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Comments on Tradeoffs and Issues William R. Shadish University of California, Merced.

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Presentation on theme: "Comments on Tradeoffs and Issues William R. Shadish University of California, Merced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comments on Tradeoffs and Issues William R. Shadish University of California, Merced

2 Key Tradeoffs Causal vs noncausal questions Bias control vs context-specific feasibility Internal vs External Validity

3 Clarifying Some Issues About the Choice of Design There are many good reasons not to do randomized designs, and not to do experiments at all. –When it is not possible (treatment already started, impossibility of getting control) –When it is unethical –When it is not necessary (the counterfactual is known, PKU screening example) –When we are not asking a causal question But let’s not reject experiments for the wrong reasons

4 Terminological Confusion Randomized trials (not equal to) efficacy trial (RT efficacy, RT effectiveness) Effectiveness research (not equal to) translational research –Effectiveness: Does the intervention work under field conditions (an RCT is perfectly appropriate because the question is still about cause and effect) –Translational: How can we get practitioners to adopt and sustain, patients to accept and sustain (RCT’s largely irrelevant; more relevant are process and implementation studies, cost analysis, needs assessment, ethnography, etc).

5 Are We Asking Causal Questions? The question should drive the method. Both efficacy and effectiveness are causal questions. But many translational research questions are not. Randomization most helpful for cause and effect questions— effectiveness or efficacy. Quasi-experiments are also helpful (RD, ITS, etc.) But if the question is not causal, the method should be different. For example –What is the need for treatment? –How do stakeholders value treatments and outcomes? –How are resources distributed? –How is treatment implemented? –Costs of treatment?

6 Questionable Reasons to Reject Randomized Experiments Reasons that often apply to many nonrandomized experiments, as well: –Value of examining treatment implementation –Low power when number of units is small (remember Henry Feldman’s low power for the 3 group quasi-exp; it would have been lower with selection modeling). –Nesting of units in groups –The intervention is more than just the program, but includes staff, context etc. –We don’t know which component of tmt worked The constant treatment assumption: Randomized trials do not require constant treatments, especially not effectiveness trials. (Angrist et al. JASA)

7 Questionable Reasons, continued Randomized trials may or may not be more expensive, more time consuming, or less powerful than other studies, depending on what the other study design is. For example: –Power ITS > RE > QE with selection model? –Can you do ITS with archival data or do you have to gather your own data anew? This will affect both time and expense. The cost of making an inferential error. But in general, more money buys you better data no matter what the design is.

8 Using Multiple Design Elements in Quasi-Experiments Quasi-experiments are not a set of fixed designs Rather, each quasi-experiment should be an aggregation of many design elements that each are thoughtfully chosen to compensate for the possible threats to causal inference Moreover, good quasi-experiments use multiple designs to address the same questions (e.g., Jim Dwyer on Agent Orange)

9 An Example: Reynolds and West Arizona’s “Ask for the Sale” campaign to sell lottery tickets. Nonequivalent control group (stores agreeing to participate vs not) Four pretests and four posttests to assess trends and possible regression artifacts three nonequivalent dependent variables (treatment increased ticket sales but not sales of gas, cigarettes, or grocery items). Examined some stores in which treatment was removed and repeated, or was initiated later

10 Role of Meta-Analysis The question of generalizability of effects from RCT is an empirical question, not a fact. –Results from nonrepresentative samples may indeed generalize to representative samples There are lots of ways to look at generalizability, of which meta-analysis of experiments (randomized or quasi) is one. –Look at large numbers of RCTs and QEs –Examine variability of effects over different kinds of units, persons, settings, and outcomes –Use response surface modeling to predict effects of ideal study (e.g., most clinically representative)

11 Meta-Analysis, continued Publication bias –We have technologies to study that. –It’s when we don’t do meta-analysis that we have this problem.

12 Summary of Agreements The question should drive the method Translational research involves more than just causal questions, and so requires many different kinds of design. Even when effects are at issues, randomized experiments are sometimes not possible or ethical, and nonrandomized experiments must be considered. In the hierarchy of nonrandomized designs, time series and regression discontinuity are generally preferred on theoretical grounds, when practical.

13 Summary of Agreements We have made a lot of progress on addressing problems in both randomized and nonrandomized experiments (things I’ve not heard mentioned here), for example: –Incomplete treatment implementation (Angrist) –Missing data –Selection bias and propensity scores Triangulating using different designs is a good thing (e.g., time series on archival data with surveys on other dv’s; or RCT on proximal outcomes with observational study on long-term outcome).

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